Crystals for Fueling Optimism & Inspiration

Sagittarius is a fire sign that’s eternally seeking the truth in life. This sign will use its fire energy to bravely assert opinions and ideals and to feed a never ending supply of optimism and inspiration. Here are three stones to use when you wish to call in more Sagittarian energy...

Sagittarius is a fire sign that’s eternally seeking the truth in life. This sign will use its fire energy to bravely assert opinions and ideals and to feed a never ending supply of optimism and inspiration. Here are three stones to use when you wish to call in more Sagittarian energy:

Carnelian | Fiery orange-red Carnelian is a stone of recharged vitality, emotional stability, and deeper self-understanding. Unblock the Sacral chakra, seat of sexuality and creativity. Banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life! Helps to trust yourself and your perceptions, increase courage and motivation, and promotes positive life choices. Work with Carnelian when seeking stability, and an energetic boost.

Orange Calcite | Calcites are powerful cleansing and energy amplifying stones. Orange Calcite can assist in balancing emotions, removing fear and overcoming depression. It is also helpful in removing blockages from the meridian system and in stimulating the sacral and solar plexus chakras. Good for encouraging a stronger sense of self-esteem and courage. Helps recognize opportunities to set strong, clear boundaries.

Dalmatian Jasper | This spotted black and white stone carries the energy of playfulness. Dalmatian Jasper is protective and healing. Strengthens family bonds and long-term friendships, aids in creating a stable and secure energy at home, and safe interior space to hold intense or deep emotions. Counters cynicism and skepticism. It is engenders safety, security, and loyalty.

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