Fall Equinox: Crystals For Creating Balance Amidst Change by Moorea Kern

The days of early mornings with the chime of school bells and autumn colored leaves coating the sidewalks will soon be arriving and imminent change is in their path. As the Fall Equinox approaches on September 22nd, taking stock of the bounty of experiences, achievements and provisions we’ve acquired over the year will tune us in with this season of harvest. Between the last few heat waves of summer in the forecast, the cool winds of fall will be bringing forth a change in season and perhaps a few transitions of the soul. Maintaining balance during these states of flux requires steadfast determination, flexibility and ultimately inner peace. Three stones to assist during times of transition are Carnelian, Pink Botswana Agate and Black Tourmaline in Quartz.

The captivating red and orange colors of Carnelian instantly flood one’s mind with thoughts of vibrant sunsets, crackling campfires and of course forests in autumn. As Fall is nature’s last hurrah before the slumber of Winter, Carnelian helps spark the initiative to follow through on commitments, harness the courage to face obstacles and promote the passion to pursue one’s desires. A stone of ambition and determination, Carnelian is used as a professional support stone by providing the user with confidence, vitality and protection from less than helpful peers. It’s a great companion energy to help one gracefully transition from an exuberant summer into an enchanting autumn.A stone of positive change and harmonious thinking, Pink Botswana Agate is a powerful stone that helps the user see the big picture. It’s gorgeous, soft pink hues and mesmerizing bands so particular to the Agate family have a calming ripple effect on the mind and heart; reminding us to be gentle with ourselves in states of change by surrendering to the flow and trusting our intuition. Comforting and creative, Pink Botswana Agate helps us venture into the unknown with poise and flexibility so that we feel prepared for anything the future may hold.A long time, personal favorite for balance and clarity is Black Tourmaline in Quartz. The fusion of light and dark grounds while balancing opposite energies so that one may feel centered and at peace within. Purifying and protective, it has the power to transform negative energy into a positive, uplifting force that strengthens and harmonizes all of the chakras and meridians. By balancing Yin and Yang energies, Black Tourmaline in Quartz serves as a stone of unity and integration making it an ideal aid for moving forward with clarity, stability and temperance.Taking in a deep breath of the crisp morning air in late August, I’m reminded that yet another annual cycle is completing itself. Although it’s difficult to let go of the liveliness of Summer, I find myself eager for mugs of apple cider, thick wool socks and early nights of relaxation and introspection. Nurturing the ability to let go allows us to create balance within and welcome what the future has in store. As change is the only true constant, it’s in our best interest to do as the trees do by letting go and trusting the process.

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