Magical Treasures to Gift This Holiday Season

Gifts from the light-hearted to the sacred…Magical articles of all descriptions and for every budget. Visit us at Paradise Found and share some holiday cheer!

Gifts from the light-hearted to the sacred…Magical articles of all descriptions and for every budget.

Visit us at Paradise Found and share some holiday cheer! Nimble fingered elves are standing by to wrap your gifts.

Paradise Found is open until 7pm December 15-23, and until 5pm on Christmas Eve.

Inspired gift-giving from the heart

~Spread peace on earth with glittering star and peace sign ornaments, blown-glass Earths, hamsas, and protective eyes.

~Encourage creativity with a refillable leatherbound journal that will last a lifetime.

~Bring in the good vibes with many tools for energy clearing, such as heart-shaped chimes, bells, and singing bowls.

Treasures for Everyone

~Choose the perfect crystal beaded bracelet, find a unique crystal to add to your collection or give to a loved one.

~Discover gorgeous illustrated books on Tarot and other Esoteric & Mystical topics of interest; oldies but goodies spiritual classics, and many treats and tastes of inspired wisdom from world traditions.

~Top off stockings with petite crystal-infused soaps, one of our many sculptures for altars & fairy gardens, a box of incense...

We are at your service! With a specially chosen collection of items to enliven, inspire, and bring joy to your holidays.
Sending our merry winter wishes to you and your loved ones!
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