Hope-Energy: A Requisite for Optimal Results by Lani Reagan

“There’s always going to be bad stuff out there.But here’s the amazing thing; light trumps darkness, every time.You stick a candle into the dark, but you cannot stick the dark into the light.”

~Jodi Piccoult

Hope-Energy: A Requisite for Optimal Results by Lani Reagan | paradise found santa barbara

There’s an infinite number of things one can worry about, doubt, disparage or be anxious about. As I write this, we are coming up on election day and the energy of the nation and the world at large is palpably heavy.As we have witnessed the weakening of social structures, rifts in communities, fear of Covid, large-scale loss of life and an uptick in cruel and aggressive behavior, it’s impossible to not be impacted by the energy all around us, combined with our own personal circumstantial concerns.While I believe love heals all things, it is hope, (originating from the ajna and solar plexus chakras) that keeps us on track with creating little miracles of goodness in our lives.But how do we channel hope and maintain our focus on the good intentions we hold for ourselves and the world at large, in order to produce optimal results?

Stronger Chakras For Channeling Hope

The strength of our ajna and solar plexus chakras determines the degree of hope energy we emit. Merely choosing to believe the outcome will be as we wish it (a positive outcome), is different than having a knowingness that however it works out will be good.

Hope-Energy: A Requisite for Optimal Results by Lani Reagan | paradise found santa barbara

Reacting to the forces of darkness is different than buying a bigger candle. What we focus on tends to multiply. Remember that as beings of Light we have the inherent capability to channel light from within us, and shine that light into our worlds and communities, by our actions, demeanor, and attitudes.How are we choosing hope and goodwill every day? Are we letting frustrations and old wounds weaken our ability to stay hopeful while giving in to the mass consciousness of conflict and dissention?While I believe hope is a choice, we frequently resist choosing hope because the ajna and solar plexus chakras have too much congested energy connected to old pains, fears and anxieties originating from past events. These slow down our frequencies, making it very difficult to catch the waves of hope floating by us, begging us to hop on.It can feel like an oversimplification to be told to, ‘ just choose hope’, when the heaviness we feel is experienced in the body and the feelings, along with its corresponding thought-forms, seems so real. Now, I’m not calling feelings and thoughtforms unreal. It’s possible to experience them as real in the moment of experiencing them, while understanding they are not the ultimate reality or truth.This is the first step in building strength in the ajna and solar plexus chakras. It’s about letting go of our attachments to our notions as being the ‘only truth’ or the ‘truest truth’, we can hold space for.

“Believe things will be good.”

~Steven Colbert

Cultivating Hope Energy

Hope-Energy: A Requisite for Optimal Results by Lani Reagan | paradise found santa barbara

A person who emits a powerful frequency of hope has come to that habit through experiencing oppression and in the face of it is moved through their resistances.In the light of facing their inner resistances and resolving them came the purposeful act of choosing hope, goodwill, and light. It becomes possible to believe things will be good with conviction.Can we spot the places where frustration, anger or feelings of betrayal, or depression keep us from being hopeful, while dancing in cynicism and doubt?As an intuitive life coach, I often approach these energies from an energy-technology angle, since sometimes speaking of the specific past events where feelings first arose, can be uncomfortable or unpleasant. I teach clients these energy-healing tools so they can use them accordingly at will, to raise their vibrations, feel lighter and become able to choose hope easily.Why clear out old heavy vibrations? Because building a life and making important decisions, like voting, with heavy congested energies usually leads to painful outcomes. While clearing the chakras and restoring their capacity to channel love, and hope, virtually shifts inner and outer realities rapidly so that mountains of issues turn into molehills.Furthermore, each action we take born out of the clarity of our energetic frequency not only helps us to experience positive shifts but contributes to the improvement of our communities and the world at large. No matter what happens in the world around us, we all want to sleep soundly at night having the experience that we’re connected, supported and in flow. Hope provides us with that good night’s sleep.

Lighting It Up

So, how can we channel hope energy? By using a simple meditation technique presented here that takes no longer that 15 minutes. It activates the crown and heart while cleaning out the solar plexus and ajna chakras. The channeling aspect of the meditation starts a river of love and hope flowing through you that is likely to last the whole day.As we move through unprecedented times, we are being called to newer phases of self-healing and higher frequencies; to buy bigger candles to dispel larger areas of darkness. May the light in you burn bigger and brighter as you refine the ajna and solar plexus chakras to channel more hope and light into your life and into the world.

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