Why Mastering Your Energy Matters

“Rule your mind or it will rule you.” ~The Buddha

Few of us think in terms of mastering our energy when things go awry in life. Mostly, we obsess about details; things we “should have” said or done; things we regret we did. Or we dialog internally with ourselves or with  others about how wrong they were, or how messed up a situation is or how it “should have” been instead. We often miss the subtleties involved in the ebb & flow of energy moving through our bodies, paying more attention instead to the details.

Myth #1: We think that obsessing about the details is a good use of our energy. But the fact is, when things go awry, it’s never about the details

If you let your energy (your mental & spiritual life force) become dispersed by focusing on a million details you’ll be wasting your most precious resource of Soul-energy. No wonder why overthinking leaves the body and mind exhausted. 

Soul-energy can be used for healing & manifestation, but if you waste it away obsessing, then you’re failing to manage it to your advantage. Recognize that the details are more the fluff of a situation & the resolve you’re looking for, along with divine direction, will flow to you when you manage your energy correctly.

Myth #2 Believing you must take action before you’re internally settled, in order to force, fix or manipulate things to your advantage. 

But the fact is (and research shows) making decisions and acting from a stressed, triggered consciousness often causes more complications that come with a greater cost. 

If you give in to the impulsiveness of a trigger without taking the time to manage your energy, you’ll likely enter a complicated life-classroom & be farther away from the circumstance you’re wanting to co-create.

The fact is the quality of your energy (your life force; frequency & vibration) precedes your physical presence & determines how your words are received. 

Your words & actions are infused with the energy flowing through your body, as it’s shaped by your consciousness

The quality of your thoughts, determines the quality of your energy, while the dispersion of your focus dilutes the quantity & volume of your energy, thereby weakening the impact of your words & actions. 

If you want to make a definite impact & see good for your words & actions you must practice sound energetic management. No one else is in charge of managing your energy except for you.

Myth #3 Believing that your energy will become more manageable if this or that happens first. 

To experience your inner power, you’re required to manage your own energy, otherwise you will cost your Self the power & effectiveness belonging only to those who accept that energy management is an inside job. 
So what are the keys to managing your energy? How can you start practicing? Where can you get in depth training on how to facilitate energy for healing & manifestation? 

Key #1 Energy is a form of invisible currency that flows into our bodies from our surroundings.

When your body has enough access to clean chi-energy (like an electrical current) & the flow is unimpeded and the expelling of used up chi energy is hastened (without too much restriction or repression) things tend to go more smoothly in your life. 

To facilitate an even flow of energy through your body you can practice daily rhythmic breathing (inhaling for 6; holding for 3; exhaling for 6 and holding for 3 is one cycle) for about 7-9 cycles.

Key #2 To quiet the mind noise down so that there’s less dispersion of your energy

When you train your mind to focus & harness your energy, you can practice rhythmic breathing while focusing on one part of your body; either the tip of your nose or the center of your chest, your heart chakra. 

The longer you train your mind to focus at one point, the more your energy will be pulled back from being scattered & concentrated into the most effective parts of your energetic anatomy for right manifestation & aligned co-creation.

Key #3 Mindful & honest awareness of what’s happening within your body

As you practice the first 2 keys, will help you stay alert to the peacefulness of soul-energy aligning within you, as well as keep you aware of any direction or information that soul-energy might bring in with it. As the Buddha said, “Rule your mind” (because that governs your energy) or it will rule you.” So awareness, then course correction is the key to not letting the unruly mind weaken your energy & thereby, your effectiveness.

If I hadn’t built a whole new life based on these simple techniques, there’s no way I could recommend these steps with full conviction. It was these simple steps that helped me totally transform who I was into the intuitive energy healing teacher I am today. Because I know there’s so much more you can do to harness your energy for healing & emotional, mental & financial well-being, I’ve created the Dynamic Healing Therapies Apprenticeship Program, to help you produce reliable healing & transformational results, in your own life & the lives of your family, clients & associates. It’s technically, as well as spiritually based, and is the most comprehensive training that I’ve created to date. 

If you’ve always wanted to understand the world of intuitive energy healing, have conditions that require regular self-healing, or are looking for the unseen factors that govern the degree of success you attain, then the apprenticeship program is for you. For more information & to apply for enrollment, simply email me at lani@dynamichealingtherapies.com. To your health, wealth & happiness!

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