Leo, the 5th House + Self-Realization... by Anna Chapman

“When we are attentive like this, listening, just present, we are humble aren’t we, because we’re not thrusting this busy little ego—I, me, mine forward...humility and that is totally accepting. Acceptance, humility and there’s no barrier left between god and you; no impediment at all."

~John Butler, Spiritual Unfoldment, Kiss of the Sun

Leo, the 5th House + Self-Realization by Anna Chapman | paradise found santa barbara

Time to explore your hidden, inner knowledge

New Moon August 18, 26 degrees Leo 35 minutes 7:42 p.m. A full moon gets a lot of attention. It shines with such presence! It dominates the sky and illuminates the night. The new moon though, can go unnoticed. Of course, it cannot be seen. It’s lack of appearance represents a time to explore that which appears to be hidden.Truth too, appears to be hidden though it is always right here, right now. During a New Moon we are focused upon the deeper qualities that we desire and aspire to. The inner knowing of ‘being that which we seek’. And this for no reason other than feeling the freedom of letting go; not grasping, searching for, or the dissatisfaction that accompanies a life of expectation.We have faith that the moon is still there in it’s new phase even though we cannot see it. We also have faith in ‘that which is our true nature’, always and everywhere, though we cannot see it or describe it. It is most evident in the absence of every thing. When all forms cease to be Reality is, still. In stillness, in emptiness is Reality/Truth.In Living Nonduality by Robert Wolfe he speaks of the 45 years of Buddha’s teaching:

“The core of the entire teaching is summarized in that one word: emptiness; empty of all comparative elements.”

Seeing past the illusion of separateness

During the Full Moon there is one obvious comparison—the Sun in opposition to the Moon. There is relationship, something relative to the other that suggests separation, the illusion that ‘we’ exist as separate from Source.During the New moon, Sun conjuncts Moon, there is no comparative element, only One. The conscious self cannot be divided from the emotional/instinctive self. An opportune moment to sit and feel harmony—the wave returns to the ocean.And if this seems to be a daunting task one will seek to discover that which makes it so. What is it that prevents me from knowing stillness? With New Moon in Leo there is a need to examine the ego. By the time we arrive at Leo our journey is to experience ego.First we become aware that the ego helps one express confidently. We also may begin to notice the ego as dominating experience in a way that is actually limiting. We are in service to the ego—and may suffer as a result. Ultimately, how to surpass the dictates and demands of the ego.For this, many tools and ‘helpful’ advice that have been around for ages. These are there for your discovery in plentitude—Google will locate whatever you desire.

Leo and the Fifth House | Recognize and express your Self

This New Moon focuses our desires on all that relates to Leo and the fifth house, Leo’s domain. In the fifth house one is presented with recognition of self, expression of self (creativity that includes children and romantic liasons) and finally when all else is said and done Self realization. This can happen at any age depending on where is on the ‘Wheel’.This New Moon in Leo at 26 degrees, the Mars ruled decan of the sign of Leo, is strong, motivated, ambitious and aggressive. This is particularly so as Mars transiting is in Aries (24 degrees), its own sign and trining the Sun/Moon. This provides a shot of adrenaline to current events. It is neither good nor bad but will fuel the energetic natural flow and temporarily accelerate our passions for: whatever it is we ‘believe’ in. To remain calm? Take a look at your believes.At the same time Mars is moving into a square with Saturn at 26 degrees Capricorn (exactly inconjunct Sun/Moon). So what does this mean? Limitations. Curtailing the usual energy of Mars in Aries but not dampening the passion. If we don’t examine our beliefs we may end up very frustrated. We will also notice that physical energy may not be the answer to solving all the imbalances that are evident at this time. Leading with the heart rather than the fist—voila! The natural enthusiasm of Aries is given a ‘responsible and mature’ channel for expression.And, as Mercury is conjunct this New Moon action is accompanied by thought and need to express from the heart. Often associated with ego preoccupation, Leo can focus on ‘me’. However at this time individual indulgence may be experienced as contrary to what serves community; this the result of the Saturn inconjunct to Sun/Moon.A dampening effect upon the ego’s need to be recognized. Leo characteristics at this New Moon have the potential to elevate from self indulgence and self gratification to a deeper utilization of heart energy, (Leo rules the heart and is ruled by the Sun the conscious self) the compassion that we feel for all things.

“As you dissolve into love, your ego fades. You’re not thinking about loving; you’re just being love, radiating like the sun.”

~Ram Dass

Transition from Ego-centered to Self-centered with the Point of Fortune

We are further aided in this transition from ego-centered to Self centered by the Point of Fortune. What is the Point of Fortune? Also known as the Lot of Fortune...

 The Point of Fortune is calculated from the degree on the ascendant, minus the sun, plus the moon. It represents the distance between the sun and the moon with reference to the ascendant. It's position in the natal chart shows the termination point of reflected sunlight in the phase of the moon.

I am not an expert when it comes to points in astrology that require calculation. I understand their significance better than the technical aspects of their derivation. At the New Moon the Point of Fortune is always in range of the ascendant and either connecting with it from the first or the twelfth house.

"The Part of Fortune is conjunct to the Ascendant — the astrological symbol of all beginnings — at the new moon."

~Dane Rudyar

The Point of Fortune represents where we find the greatest sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. At the New Moon then, our ‘desires’ are fulfilled when we wander toward deeper aspects of self realization each month. The first house is after all ‘where one seeks self’.Where am ‘I’ in this journey? Do ‘I’ inquire? Who am ‘I’? This month the Point of Fortune at the New Moon is in Aquarius. This sign guides us toward satisfaction and fulfillment through a greater communal sharing and brotherhood.As we stated earlier, this New Moon can usher us from a desire for personal gratification towards a less egocentric experience wherein our sense of joy is expanded. This aspect is emphasized by Uranus, the planet of revolution for evolution (ruler of Aquarius) in exact aspect to Venus the planet that represents our desire nature.There is an experience here of what we want being more closely aligned with what serves the greater community. In some way we are continuously guided in this direction.

"When a strong wind blows, the clouds vanish and blue sky appears. Similarly, when the powerful wisdom that understands the nature of mind arises, the dark clouds of the ego disappear.”

~Thubten Yeshe

This does not mean the disappearance of the individual (though that might occur down the road and is anticipated by some!) in case that might alarm some people, only that we are temporarily elevated in how we view our experience in a way that has us seeing more clearly—not to take things as personally and this leads only to greater peace. All of this in the short span that is the New Moon! At this time though, of great acceleration of all things human, we should be prepared for positive changes to arise spontaneously from the apparent chaos. We are en route to a brighter tomorrow!

About Anna

Readings that inspire!Allow your self to experience clarity that is beyond doubt, judgment and fear the products of thoughts that are habits. When we know what exists ‘when the smoke clears’ suddenly all aspects of life open up for us. We are free. Every step that we take toward liberation is a gift…Book a Reading with Anna!

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