Crystals for Exploring the Unconscious Realms

During the Full Moon in Virgo, contact with the subconscious and the unconscious is more intense. Virgo's tarot correspondent is the Hermit, who is on an inward journey to the depths of the Self. To balance this intensity, it may be helpful to work with Howlite, as it is an extremely calming stone...

“Green calm below, blue quietness above.”
~John Greenleaf Whittier (1807-1892) Poet and Abolitionist


During the Full Moon in Virgo, contact with the subconscious and the unconscious is more intense. Virgo's tarot correspondent is the Hermit, who is on an inward journey to the depths of the Self. To balance this intensity, it may be helpful to work with Howlite, as it is an extremely calming stone.

Judy Hall writes that Howlite links into the spiritual dimensions, opening attunement and preparing the mind to receive wisdom and insights. Placed on the third eye, it opens memories of other lives, while also calming the turbulent emotions that may arise.

In the Motherpeace Deck, the Hermit figure is known as the Crone, and represents "a stage of life in which wisdom is sought--a time of introversion and spiritual seeking. The Crone is a woman whole within herself. Her active inner life shines out to touch others with the wisdom and knowledge she gains on her journey."

Green Lace Agate

Green Lace Agate instills a feeling of wholeness, serenity, and being cared for. It is a grounding stone and a protective stone. This Agate's earthy nurturing energy resonates with the earth sign Virgo, and our deepest need for grounding and centering on the emotional level.

Agate is great for rebalancing and harmonizing body, mind and spirit. It cleanses and stabilizes the aura. Soothes, calms, and creates a sense of security. Agate enhances mental function, improving concentration and perception. Its multiple layers bring hidden information to light. Aids mental clarity and increases stamina, all of which are very important on the path to self-knowledge.


In "Motherpeace: A Way to the Goddess Through Myth, Art and Tarot", we meet Virgo in her form as the Crone, the "Lamplighter" of the dream world, signifying a turning away from the external, social space of people and parties in favor of the inner, darker realm of the unconscious psyche." (Motherpeace)

Apatite, a deep blue crystal, connects us to the deep waters within us. Connected with the throat chakra, Apatite can enhance subtleties and sensitivity around communication and understanding in all forms. Work with this stone during dream states to solve perplexing problems or reveal hidden patterns.

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