Crystals for Healthy Relationships & Heart Healing

Libra is ruled by Venus, and strongly associated with the Heart Chakra, Anahata, located in the center of the chest. The New Moon in Libra is a good time to reflect on emotional healing, intimacy, and relationships of all kinds. Here are some allies from the mineral kingdom to support you:

Originally written for the New Moon in Libra

Libra is ruled by Venus, and strongly associated with the Heart Chakra, Anahata, located in the center of the chest. The New Moon in Libra is a good time to reflect on emotional healing, intimacy, and relationships of all kinds. Here are some allies from the mineral kingdom to support you:

Fluorite | Is helpful when seeking balance in relationships, and gently bringing deep feelings to the surface so they can be expressed, addressed, and resolved. Call on Fluorite when you want to dissolve fixed patterns of behavior or thinking, turn chaos into a harmonious order, and connect people with a shared purpose and sense of stability.

Chrysocolla | May enhance communication within a relationship, alleviating guilt and bringing in joy. Work with Chrysocolla to reverse toxic emotional programming, to invoke deep personal strength, and to calm cleanse and reenergize all the chakras and align them with the divine.

Rhodonite | An emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the unity of all people. Stimulates, clears, and activates the heart chakra, clearing emotional wounds and assisting with deep healing leading to true self-love and forgiveness. Rhodonite encourages calm in stressful situations, builds up confidence and alleviates confusion.

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