Crystals To Ease The Back To School Transition!

9.14 back to school crystals

It’s that time of year again- Back to School! An exciting and often hectic time, we came up with a list of crystals to help with the transition-whether you’re a teacher, a student, or a parent hauling your young ones off to class, these crystals offer a bit of friendly energy to keep the good times good and make the hard parts easier.Meeting lots of new people can be challenging. These stones boost self-esteem and help overcome shyness, so we can stay focused on doing our best and feel comfortable in our new environment.

Hematite- This stone is all about confidence. Grounding and protecting, wearing or carrying hematite will keep us feeling empowered and safe. It stimulates  concentration and focus while enhancing  memory and original thought, and has even been said to help with the study of mathematics.Citrine- This is a super happy sunny stone that will boost self-esteem and self-confidence. Offers protection for the aura and promotes enjoyment of new experiences. Citrine enhances motivation and stimulates creativity- so if you find yourself feeling discouraged this makes an excellent ally to help develop a more positive and joyous approach.Labradorite- Another protector, a piece in your pocket deflects unwanted energy from the aura and prevents energy leakage. Strengthens faith in self and banishes fears and insecurities.Blue Apatite- This bright blue stone induces openness and social ease, encouraging extroversion and aiding communication and self-expression. It draws off negativity about yourself and others, clears confusion and stimulates the intellect. Great for group work and useful when giving presentations.These days schoolwork usually entails using a computer. Computers are powerful tools that put worlds of knowledge at our fingertips- sometimes we use our computers for hours and hours without pause. The stones mentioned below offer protection from EMF’s (Electromagnetic fields) and help with organization.Fluorite- Extremely effective against computer and electromagnetic stress, keep several chunks in front of or around your home computer, or carry some to place with your laptop or anytime you know you’ll be using lots of electronics or technology. Fluorite helps overcome all forms of disorganization and helps us to process new information and link it to what we’ve already learned.Pyrite- Energy shield. Blocks out negative energy and boosts positive energy. Place on desk to energize the area. A nice piece to have in view while typing essays, pyrite relieves anxiety and frustration and boosts vitality, while also blocking out distractions and keeping  you focused- helping you get all your homework done in no time!

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