Crystals To Smooth Your Experience of Mercury Retrograde by Jessica Allen


Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday at 10:02 AM PST. Mercury, the messenger planet, rules communication, short trips, computers, theintellect, and etc.While mercury is in retrograde the planet appears to move away from us, and all that mercury has domain over seems to go haywire- communications get disrupted, computers go on the fritz, trips and plans get delayed, and all sorts of thingscan go "wrong".Since this is a time when circumstances seem out of control, it is also a time that offers a chance to surrender to life-as-it-is and turn our thoughts inward to reflect on ourselves and recent past events. To help with this cycle we've selected some crystals that will serve as useful allies during this sometimes chaotic transit.


Sodalite---Unites logic and intuition. Sodalite is a stone of clarity that will help facilitate rational thinking, objectivity and truth. In this time when communication can seem to miss the mark, this stone will help keep an honest assessment of the circumstances in which you find yourself.It is a calming stone that helps release fears, and it also aids verbilization, so a piece in your pocket can act as an effective ally for keeping communication clear, and also for restoring calm and mental balance if things happen to get a bit twisted up.Obsidian--This stone will help us to not only survive Mercury retrograde, but also to use the energy of this transit in a way that facilitates inner personal growth. Mercury retrograde can become a time of surrendering to circumstances as they are, we may find the our plans get disrupted or things don't go as we'd hope or expect. Traditionally a time of holding off on making important decisions, this retrograde cycle asks us to hop in the passenger seat, but it doesn't mean we have to remain idle.Obsidian offers a protective shield from negativity, but it can also help us to contemplate and integrate shadow aspects and gain clarity in times of confusion. It's energy supports and impels us to grow, helping to point out blockages and relieve tension. This volcanic glass helps us step bravely into the realm of the unknown and, when used in meditation, points out certain patterns that can be released--welcoming new fertile space for inner growth and development.

rhodo and obsidian

Rhodonite-- As Mercury moves from water sign Scorpio (ruler of psychology and deepemotion) back into Air sign Libra (ruler of partnerships and balance) we thought it would be useful to recommend this super-loving heart-activating stone. The retrograde motion through these signs offers us a chance to reflect on the psychology and deep-rooted forces that influence how we relate to our own inner selves and also to our partners. Rhodonite accesses and clears the heart chakra and brings into awareness the most tender aspects of our soul.While meditating with Rhodonite, we may find that in order to awaken and attract love and tenderness there are certain emotions, partnerships and attachments that would be helpful to finally release, and others that would be helpful to cultivate and reinforce. Strengthening our heart chakra helps us to move and act from a loving perspective, one in which we can receive and give love in a healthy and balanced way. Rhodonite also has the wonderful effect of keeping us calm in upsetting situations. Use this lovely pink and black stone to help meet potential challenges with a strong and healthy heart!

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