Full Moon in Aquarius

It is rare to have two Full Moons in the same sign within a single calendar year – but that's exactly what we have in July and August 2021. On July 23, a Full Moon occurred in the early degrees of Aquarius (at 01°26´). And on Sunday August 22, we have a second Full Moon in the very last degree of the sign (29°36´)

I recognize this time as a second chance to create a new foundation.
I trust in the redirection, as the energy of the earth erupts creating breakthroughs on a collective and personal level.
I have the freedom to follow my intuition and allow my creativity to burst into action.
I pay attention to my thoughts and words as they are manifesting at rapid speeds.
I keep my frequency high, and channel visionary energy for the healing of the collective.
~adapted from Gayora Celestial Oracle via instagram

Full Moon Sunday 8/22 at 5:01am PT

“It is rare to have two Full Moons in the same sign within a single calendar year – but that's exactly what we have in July and August 2021. On July 23, a Full Moon occurred in the early degrees of Aquarius (at 01°26´). And on Sunday August 22, we have a second Full Moon in the very last degree of the sign (29°36´).


A duplicate Full Moon such as this places a very strong emphasis on the qualities and purposes of the sign involved. Aquarius is the original thinker, the nonconformist, the eccentric, the mad scientist. It defies expectations and, in fact, may relish the opportunity to raise a few eyebrows. Just consider that although Aquarius is an air sign, its symbol is "the Waterbearer." Always the individualist, refusing to be limited by labels, Aquarius is just a bit amused that some may not realize that the "waters" pouring from its urn are the waters of Knowledge. 


Aquarius demands personal freedom and equality and, as a fixed sign, strongly resists being controlled or being told to conform. As an extension of these themes, it is also the sign of idealism, social reform, and humanitarianism. It doesn't take much searching to find all these qualities being accentuated right now, in ourselves, in friends and loved ones, and in society as a whole. Our challenge, perhaps, is in figuring out the most enlightened ways to express our Aquarian tendencies.


The shadow qualities of the sign include being a rebel for the thrill of the adrenalin rush (without a higher cause), being an anarchist without an eye to the future, being a know-it-all, or being detached to the point of being unsympathetic. The higher-vibrational attributes of Aquarius include seeing the universality of all life, valuing community and cooperation, being open to new and progressive ideas, and honoring the intuition as much as the intellect."

~Pam Younghans

“Along with the opposition of the Sun and Moon, Jupiter also opposes the Sun this Full Moon and forms a conjunction with the Moon. Conjunctions occur when cosmic bodies are within 7° of each other. Jupiter expands everything it touches. It shows us our potential and asks where we are not living up to it. Jupiter wants us to be great and to take up space. Jupiter teaches us how to break through self-imposed limitations and take leaps to higher levels of existence.

Jupiter is retrograde this Full Moon, meaning its energy takes a more inward focus. Jupiter retrograde teaches us that happiness is an inside job. Our expansion comes from our own ability to imagine it. We need to believe with every fiber of our being that we are capable of great things. This transit helps us release doubt and recognize places where we are keeping ourselves small, and why. There are many reasons we avoid our potential. Fear is one of them. We often fear success much more than failure because we don’t know who we will be if we succeed. We also fear the unknown. Even if we think we want our visions to manifest, we sometimes sabotage them because we are not ready for change. Many of our blocks are subconscious, but Jupiter retrograde can bring them to the surface.”

~Spirit Daughter

“Aquarian energy thrives on individuality and stirring things up.  Aquarius wants to shake the table, so to speak.  So, if we’ve been playing nice and living our lives to please others, an Aquarian full moon can bring on a full-on rebellion.  We’ve grown weary of playing by others’ rules; we want to march to the beat of our own drum. Instead of hiding our quirky, eccentric, weird selves we want to put them on display. 

This whole theme is amplified because Uranus, the planet of disruption, is square Saturn, the planet of restriction.  Do we choose the safety of our cocoon or do we take a risk and break out?  We can also turn to the tarot deck for inspiration and to the Star card in particular.  The Star card is linked to the sign of Aquarius and it represents the principles of self-esteem and confidence. The Star card encourages us to step into the spotlight and allow our radiance to shine. 

~Body Mind & Soul, BMHHouston.com

The Star card from the White Numen Tarot

Crystals for Full Moon in Aquarius

For the first Full Moon in Aquarius on July 23rd, we offered Amethyst, Aquamarine and Black Onyx. This time around, at the close of this lunar duet, we have these suggestions:

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Angelite | This light blue stone brings wholeness, spiritual energy, and feelings of peace and tranquility. Lighten your spirit with its soothing energy, a balm for feelings of intimidation or vulnerability. Angelite is an ideal stone for retrieving past life memories, and connecting deeper with your spirit guides, angels, and ancestors.  

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Blue Apatite | This deep blue crystal connects us to the deep waters within us. Known to dissolve negativity and doubt, it is an excellent stone for those seeking to do good for the world. Connected with the throat chakra, it can enhance subtleties and sensitivity around communication in all forms. Work with this stone during dream states to solve more perplexing and problems or patterns.

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Lepidolite | Helps to restructure old patterns and gently induce change. Clearing blockages, Lepidolite brings deep emotional healing, reducing stress and depression. Enhances self-love, openness and honesty while soothing nerves and calming the heart. Activates the throat, heart, third-eye and crown chakras.


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Hematite | Hematite helps to absorb negative energy and calms in times of stress or worry. It is a very protective stone and is great to carry to help you stay grounded in many situations. Hematite is also good for working with the Root Chakra, helping to transform negative energies into a more positive vibration. Hematite can help you to find your own, unique gifts and to release self-imposed limitations, to reach your full potential.

Chakra Toning | Vowel Mantra + Color Meditation

"A powerful technique to resonate and balance your chakras using vowel sounds. This is a good exercise to do every day, and is a great introduction to exploring the harmonics naturally present in the vowels.

Vowels carry the “information energy” of speech, whereas consonants act to break up the energy flow. In ancient Sanskrit, Hebrew, Chinese, etc, the vowel sounds are considered to be sacred. In other words, the vowel sounds carry the intention and focus.

Start by sitting comfortably in a chair or on a cushion on the floor. Try to keep your spine as straight as possible, which allows the energy to flow in your body more freely – it may help to imagine your head is suspended from above by a fine cord, letting your body hang below it naturally.

Make these sounds in a gentle voice – don’t strain. Focus your energy and intent for balancing and energizing each chakra before toning. To find the correct pitch for a particular chakra, scan up and down feeling in your body for a resonance (apart from the throat where it will always resonate). The pitch will change according to the person, mood, diet, activities, emotional states, etc on a daily basis. There is no set frequency.

Breathe in deeply, expanding your lower stomach as you inhale. I imagine the energy of each breath coming into my body through whichever chakra I am working on, this can help to focus your awareness. You may also wish to add a color visualization on each chakra--picture the color as a tinted light saturating the room or space where you are practicing.

The Vowels to Intone

The first chakra (Root) – located at the base of the spine. Tone seven times with the deepest “UUH”, as in “cup”, a very low guttural sound just gently riding on the breath. Stay comfortable with the sound – don’t force it. (Red).

Second chakra (Sacral) – located about 2-3 inches below the navel. Tone seven times using a higher pitched but still deep “OOO”, as in “you”. (Orange).

Third chakra (Solar Plexus) – located above the navel. Tone seven times using a higher pitched “OH”, as in “go”. (Yellow).

Fourth chakra (Heart) – located in the centre of the chest. Tone seven times using a higher pitched “AH”, as in “ma”. This is the sound that embodies compassion. (Green).

Fifth chakra (Throat) – Tone seven times using a higher pitched “EYE”, as in “my”. (Blue).

Sixth chakra (Third Eye) – located in the middle of the forehead slightly above the eyes. Tone seven times, using a still higher “AYE”, as in “say”. (Indigo).

Seventh (Crown) – Tone seven times using the highest pitched “EEE” sound, as in “me”, you can comfortably make. (Violet or white).

Now sit in a space of silence and receptivity for 10 – 20 minutes to experience the energy. After this If you feel too light-headed tone an “aaaah” to bring the energy back to the heart, then an “ooooh” to bring the energy down to the sacral to be more grounded."

~Exercise as formulated at SoundIntentions.com

For more information, and a solid introduction to the fundamentals of working with sound, read "Sound Healing for Beginners" by Joshua Goldman and Alec Sims
One type of tool commonly used in sound healing is the Tuning Fork. Find out more in our article, "Learn About Human Tuning, Angel Tuners and Sound Healing"!
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