Full Moon in Leo | Wednesday 2/16/2022 at 8:56 a.m. PT

"Leo is the regal lion of the zodiac. It embodies the energies of leadership, compassion, vulnerability, strength, and love." (Spirit Daughter). Find out more about the Full Moon in Leo, discover which crystals to work with at this time, and draw inspiration from the Sacred Rebels Oracle Deck!

"I allow myself to be the person I've always wanted to be.
I release the need for external validation and let my true self shine in the world.
I align with the energy of my heart and I share joy and love with everyone around me.
I celebrate myself and my abundant life."
~Irina Prokofieva via instagram

Full Moon in Leo | Wednesday 2/16/2022 at 8:56 a.m. PT

"This Full Moon brings us to the center of our beings: the heart. It is a time to open your heart and stand in its truth. It is a time to feel the influence your heart has on the world and the energy transmitted through every beat. As we move through this Full Moon, center your focus on your heart. Feel and hear its messages and let it guide you forward with love, compassion, and courage.

Leo is the regal lion of the zodiac. It embodies the energies of leadership, compassion, vulnerability, strength, and love. With Leo's energy governing the Full Moon, we are reminded to feel who we really are and touch our hearts. Acknowledging our truth takes courage and vulnerability. It's not always easy to honor ourselves. This Full Moon, though, is a time to see ourselves clearly and celebrate everything we are today, tomorrow, and always. It's also a time to feel the heart's emotions—including joy—and express those feelings with conviction, resolve, and compassion.

The heart is the center of our energetic field, and it emits an electromagnetic frequency greater than any other part of us. The heart's energetic field extends far past our bodies and influences others around us through its frequency. The heart is powerful, and this Full Moon reminds us to tend to it and ensure that it is sending out the vibrations that accurately represent who we are at our cores. If our hearts are our energetic messengers to the world, then this is the time to clarify the heart’s communication and raise its vibration."

~Spirit Daughter

"The February 2022 Full Snow Moon in Leo (on Wednesday, February 16, at 11:56 AM EST) connects us to our passions and ignites a noble purpose.

Noble Leo is the zodiac’s hero, always willing to take a chance or speak up when nobody else dares. Summon your courage, even if that means acting in the face of your fear, because you know it’s the right thing to do. This is the magnanimous leadership that Leo illustrates when expressing its highest vibration.

Leo is the galactic guardian of creativity, glamour, romance and fertility.  Shifting your attention inward, you can also use the energy of the full moon in Leo to do some self-reflection and fast-track personal growth. Take an inventory of the places in your life where you could step up to a higher level of responsibility. Perhaps go a stride further and imagine how you can use your influence to create a greater connection to the world around you."

~The AstroTwins

"Leo opens up our heart and ignites us with its fire energy, radiance and light. Its powerful energy effects both our heart center and our solar plexus, creating a powerful combination of activating our personal power whilst keeping our heart receptive and open.

Imagine yourself standing in your power fully centered with a joyful open heart. Being called home to yourself. How would this feel and manifest in your life? How would you approach the day?

By taking time to connect to the energy of the full moon we can often feel the effect of its powerful pull and be reminded of our own connection to the moon and our cycles.  In this cycle of the moon where is your energy focused?  What can you let go of, in order to make space for more of what you would like to bring into your life?

Full Moons are an opportunity for letting go of that which no longer serves you, so that you can shine fully in your uniqueness. What can you let go of right now in your life that is blocking you from standing in your power and preventing your heart from opening fully?"

~Sarah Caldicott, WildWomensSacredSpace.com

Crystals for the Full Moon in Leo

Citrine | Manifesting and Personal Power


This sunny yellow stone is the perfect partner as you manifest your deepest wishes and dreams. Powerfully boosts your self-esteem, dispels negativity, increases joy and playfulness. Add citrine to any ritual inviting abundance and prosperity into your life. A feel-good stone for cleansing and regeneration, Citrine promotes radiance from within the self, illuminating and clearing fundamental fears. Inspires feeling comfortable with yourself and your place in the world.

Carnelian | Courage and Creativity


A stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, and motivates for success. It helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions.  Work with Carnelian to establish new positive habits and patterns in your life, and to encourage steadfastness. This fiery stone improves analytic abilities and clarifies perception. Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life!

Red Jasper | Emotional Foundation and Inner Strength

Red Jasper

Red Jasper is full of grounding Earth energy, and can connect one deeply to the vibrations of the Earth. You can use Jasper to further your knowledge of the connection between humans and nature. Many use Red Jasper as a calming stone and to stimulate the root chakra. The root chakra, which is located at the base of the spine, is our emotional foundation, the seat of our deepest fears and the most beneficial chakra to work with for deep emotional healing and inner child work.

Beyond the mind, the heart beats

For the full moon in Leo, we pulled an oracle card from the Sacred Rebels Oracle Card Deck, by Alana Fairchild. This deck is one of our favorites, because it is so rich with insight, and inspires deeper understanding rather than a lighter surface-level interpretation.
Alana Fairchild is an Australian creative visionary, spiritual teacher, and beloved author. Her diverse and original body of work includes books and oracle cards, meditations and music. To find more of her titles, visit our online Bookshop!

“In the chaos of modern life and the constant fluctuations of our minds, it can be difficult to remember that a sublime sanctuary lies within. Yet it is always there. Beneath the ceaseless activity, there is an endless, vast spaciousness that restores and connects us to something greater – something that exists outside of time. Some might call it ‘eternity’.

Within that sanctuary, sacred sound is felt rather than heard. That sacred sound is actually the reverberating heartbeat of the entire universe. Your own heart’s rhythm sounds within the greater universal heartbeat. The totality of life, all of your being, can be felt as one, through listening to, and feeling for, the sacred sound of the heart beating within you. It is through this heartbeat that we experience a love that is more than preference or attachment. This is the love that inspires, energizes and moves us to create – even beyond what we once thought  was possible. Your love for life, the need to feel alive and express yourself, and the quest for that which is truly fulfilling… these are the sacred urges that rebel against fear and promote passion for being alive, they flow through your blood and can be felt through the beating of your heart.

This oracle has a message for you. There is the way of the mind – which can make mountains out of molehills even when it thinks it is turning mountains into molehills! Then there is the way of the heart. It is subterranean and moves subtly beneath possible obstacles, intelligently shifting with exquisite sensitivity, sensing the way forward, through dangerous pathways and responding to what is before it even occurs in the physical world. However, with the heart’s intelligence we cannot see and know in the same way that we do when we allow the mind to direct us. We have to be open to another way if we want to benefit from the innate intelligence of the heart.

The mind sees, plans and strategizes. The heart feels, responds, senses and intuits. When we walk the path of the heart, we must feel and respond rather than plan our way. It is a different way to live and create. It is closer to the earth and to the source of life itself. It is not for those who are lacking in courage and trust, but you are not one of those! You are being asked to trust your heart, and to drop into it. The mind is important, but it cannot supplant the heart. The role of the mind is to serve the truths of the heart. That is, to create the spacious chamber of receptiveness into which the sacred rhythm of your heartbeat can resound.

This oracle comes with guidance for you. Deep within, you know what to do and you know what is true. It matters not whether the mind and its plans seem to agree with your inner sense. Your willingness to trust your heart and to rebel against fear will serve you well. Let your heart lead you. Be sure of your faith and trust in what you feel.

Your head and heart have been in conflict at times over the course of your life. This has brought you struggle and, sometimes, deep suffering. However, this oracle brings you the message that a truce will soon be declared and the appropriate outcome – of the mind waving the white flag of surrender – is imminent. Soon, if not already, you will finally be feeling that your heart is leading you! You will feel that your mind is learning to follow the guidance of your heart, rather than trying to be out front, seeing and sorting everything out in advance, in order to be safe. What a relief to let go of this old way! Your mind can become more relaxed and trusting. There will be a period of adjustment, as you get used to living without so much foresight, but with more insight, wisdom and energy in the present moment to create, create, create.

If you are finding that you cannot plan or strategize as you once did, or you feel that you know less than you have ever known about where you are heading or how you are supposed to get there, then this oracle comes as confirmation that these are healthy signs of a shift from head to heart. You are not proceeding in error. You are exactly where you are meant to be, doing exactly what you are mean to be doing. You are now in a position that is more powerful than ever, because you are allowing yourself to be guided by your heart – a heart that beats in harmony with the heart of all existence. Your affairs are in accord with love and no matter what may appear to be at times, all is unfolding according to that greater love. You included.”

Healing Process: “Lie on your back, comfortably, with your hands on your heart. Say, ‘I love you. I trust you. You are beautiful and you are wise. You beat in harmony with the greater plan of love. You are my guiding light.’

Rest with your hands at your heart for several long, slow breaths or however long feels good.

When you are ready just go back to your day or evening. Any time you need to strengthen your connection to your heart’s truth, drop into your heart awareness by lightly placing one or both hands on your chest, over your heart and breathing gently.”

~Alana Fairchild

"Let the heart by utterly free to be just what it is--an instrument of love in the world."
~Alana Fairchild

"May I be blessed under the compassionate love and protection of Kuan Yin as my Soul prepares to cross the threshold from fear to love in all dimensions of my being. Om Mani Padme Hum, Om Mani Padme Hum. Om Mani Padme Hum."
~Alana Fairchild

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