Full Moon in Scorpio | Thursday May 7 at 3:45am PT

full moon in scorpio

Full Moon Perspectives

We can feel it! The extraordinary energy of the third and Last Super Moon of 2020! It arrives May 7, at 3:45am PT. This is also the day when Buddhist communities around the world celebrate Wesak, commonly known as "Buddha's Birthday!""The Full Moon in Scorpio unearths challenging feelings, life circumstances, and losses for us to confront. Scorpio lives on the more intense side of life, helping us shed old skin, with the promise that we will eventually benefit from the healthy glow of its exfoliation process.This Full Moon comes at a moment in the year when most of us have spent enough time alone to know our own secrets, flaws, and imperfections a little, or a lot, better. Maybe too well. Maybe we feel like we have had enough digging in the dirt of our own psyches. Maybe we don’t need a Full Moon in Scorpio to unearth anymore, deepen anything, or reveal another extreme emotional state.But, alas. Here we are.We need to be relentlessly kind to the parts of ourselves that fear being abandoned, betrayed, or forgotten when we are isolated, unsure, and unable to find a new normal. Scorpio pulls back the layers of an issue, sometimes exposing bones that are best left covered with flesh, skin, and clothing.Easy does it with this lunation. On May 12,Venus stations retrograde. One of the most important pieces of 2020’s astrology, Venus retrogrades through the same part of the sky and our charts every eight years. That means that this Venus retrograde picks up on a relationship theme that we experienced back in 2012. Circling around again, we are given the opportunity to more consciously connect with a certain part of our lives and ourselves.In Gemini, a sign known for its need to exchange data, but not necessarily emotion, this Venus retrograde is on the cooler side of things. During a time of mass social distancing, every communication device that we have becomes an urgent portal of connection. With Venus in Gemini from early April to early August, we know that these themes pervade this part of the year no matter the situation we face. @ChaniNicholas"If we give in to our feelings, if we allow ourselves time to process how we feel, when they come to pass, we can experience a release, like a weight has been lifted. The Scorpio Full Moon is always a s pecial one as it signifies that transformation is always possible. Just like the scorpion sheds its skin, we too can start again. We too, can transform ourselves simply by making different choices and thinking different thoughts.So, on the night of the last Super Moon of the year, allow yourself to find the beauty in whatever endings have your come your way. Make peace through grieving, through allowing, and by honoring the new beginning that has now been paved. @ForeverConscious

Crystals for the Full Moon in Scorpio

Spirit Quartz Amethyst | Its core, a larger, candle-shaped crystal with a faceted termination point, is encrusted with hundreds of smaller crystal termination points, which reflect and radiate high-vibrational energy in all directions. Works with the crown chakra, for absorbing spiritual information; good for support during difficult transitions, and helps stimulate creativity for problem-solving and artistic endeavors.

Morganite | Also known as Pink Beryl, this stone evokes a sense of inner peace, joy and strength. It encourages confidence, fairness and equality in all aspects of life, including relationships, business and finance. Work with morganite to help guarantee fair treatment, and loving, compassionate communication.

Chrysocolla | Containing copper, a material consecrated to Venus, Chrysocolla is a stone for empowering feminine energies, and connecting energetically with the Goddess in all her forms. The Wise Woman's stone, it helps older women express their knowledge and experience through all forms of art, music and creative expression. It is said to diminish the anxiety and depression that comes with seclusion, helping relax and uplift the spirits when staying at home.

Rose Quartz | This perennially nourishing and helpful stone speaks directly to the heart. Bringing compassion and peace, tenderness and healing, Rose Quartz aids in the circulation of Divine loving energy throughout the aura. For those who have lost a mother or mother figure, Rose Quartz is a mothering crystal that soothes the soul and inspires the nourishing of Self.


The Great Reset, and Finding Yourself in the Stillness... | Inspiration for the Full Moon in Scorpio

It is hard to believe that we are now in May, nearly half way through the year! With all of our routines and structures challenged at the moment, it is easy to lose sight of the days and where we are. The Great Reset is certainly living up to its name this year and in ways we really didn't expect. In some way though, this slow-paced way of living that we are all being called to practice is actually something greatly needed...This stillness opens up the opportunity for us all to reflect upon our life and with retrograde season now in full swing there is no better time. The first retrograde is that of Pluto and this planet stationed on 24th April and will continue to be until October 4th. From here we go to Saturn, Venus and then Jupiter throughout the course of May.Whilst we are in the midst of a collective pause, think about your life so far. When you come out the other side of this storm...How do you see yourself?How do you visualize your life?What lessons have you learned?What actually matters?We have the energy of the Scorpio Super Full Moon on May 7 (the third and final Super Moon of the year!) which is all about cleansing and detoxification, so again the energy is there to support you in clearing anything out that does not serve you anymore. It is time to get focused and refine your clarity so your vision is clear for the road ahead. Make the use of your time right now to commit to yourself.The only person who can create the life you desire is YOU! It is time to dive deep into your soul. Ask the questions. Listen for the answers. Allow yourself to be reborn and rise from the ashes into the soul you are destined to be.Even the Lunar Nodes are changing signs on May 5th after 2 years, and this is all about the soul purpose of ourselves but also as the collective as well.The alignments are all ready with their arms wide open. Question is... do you choose to listen, surrender and ride those waves together?” @iamhelengray

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