Full Moon in Virgo, Ostara & the Spring Equinox!

"The Virgo Full Moon is a time to heal." (Spirit Daughter) Find out more about the Full Moon in Virgo, Ostara & the Spring Equinox! Discover Crystals for Accepting & Loving Yourself, and Affirmations for Acceptance, Self-Love, and Excellence in All Things. Remember, The antidote to perfectionism is self-love and acceptance!

I release perfectionism.
I feel my inherent self-worth.
I am unlocking self-love and confidence.
I know when to take the right action, and when to just let my path unfold.
I trust in who I am
I trust my life path
I trust my knowledge

Full Moon in Virgo 27 degrees| Friday 3/18/22 at 12:17am PT

"The Virgo Full Moon is a time to heal. It's a time to sit with our pain, trauma, and heartache and give ourselves love and compassion. Virgo is the sign of the goddess, perfect unto herself. This archetype carries many gifts, but the most important one is the power to heal. This Full Moon comes to us after a long journey that spanned the past two years. It may bring up many emotions that were not processed at the time they were first felt. Now is the opportunity to sit with these feelings and know that you don't have to be perfect to be loved. Life doesn't need to be perfect, and, most importantly, you don't need to make the perfect decision every time. You also don't need to regret past decisions or make yourself suffer because of things you could not possibly have known.

Virgo relies on boundaries and form. Virgo is an Earth sign and seeks to define and give structure to our world...There are times when we need to align with the structure of Virgo. These include creating healthy boundaries between ourselves and others. They also include giving ourselves structure that helps keep our energy focused on what's most important. Virgo’s energy also helps us set up schedules of healing, which give us the discipline we need for growth and evolution."

~Spirit Daughter

Spring Equinox & Ostara | Sunday 3/20/22 at 8:33 AM PT

The Vernal Equinox this Sunday marks the beginning of a new astrological year--as well as agricultural, with the return of light, warmth, and the promise of abundant, plentiful food. What a blessing to greet this luminous season once again. Our ancestors watched the stars, and were attuned to this time as a powerful energetic revolution, a new beginning for all plants, animals, life and love. Like them, we are grateful and excited to witness all the new colors and scents, and bright energies of growth and expansion that are on the move.

We have just gone through 6 months of gestational darkness and subterranean energy, and now life prepares to blossom once more about the ground. As Nature prepares herself to be reborn, Let the Full Moon in Virgo be the beginning of a spiritual springtime, and call in these inspiring energies to your home and life. We are open and ready to receive illuminating insights, heart-warming blessings, and the promise of true nourishment and renewal on all levels-- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual.


Crystals for Accepting and Loving Yourself

Virgo is often linked with Persephone--According to Greek mythology, Persephone becomes trapped in the underworld, but in the end she is able to return to the surface for part of every year, bringing Spring back to the earth. The story of Persephone teaches us that there is an abundant source of energy and strength amidst the integration of shadows.

Like Persephone we sometimes travel deep inside ourselves, exploring the mysteries of the subconscious inner world. The following are crystals for the journey back to the surface, to get grounded and centered, and rooted in the present, to appreciate the beauty of Spring and all the new things coming our way.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz | "Rose Quartz is the stone of unconditional love and infinite peace. It is the most important crystal for the heart and the heart chakra, teaching the true essence of love. It purifies and opens the heart at all levels, and brings deep inner healing and self-love. It is calming, reassuring, and excellent for use in trauma or crisis." (Hall)


Chrysoprase | This beautiful light green stone imparts a sense of being part of the divine whole. Drawing out talents and creativity, Chrysoprase energizes the heart and sacral chakras and brings universal energy to the physical body. This stone counteracts harsh judgement, stimulating acceptance of oneself and others. Emotionally, Chrysoprase brings a sense of security and trust. (Hall)


Agate | Coming in a wide range of colors and patterns, Agate is formed from microscopic crystals of quartz laid down in bands, making it is a very stable crystal. Agates are grounding stones, bringing about an emotional, physical, and intellectual balance. They aid in centering and stabilizing physical energy. Psychologically, Agate gently facilitates acceptance of one's self, building self-confidence, fostering love and the courage to start again. (Hall)

See The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall to learn more about crystals and their metaphysical properties, as well as how to cleanse and work with the crystals in your collection.

Affirmations for Acceptance, Self-Love, and Excellence in All Things

The antidote to perfectionism is self-love and acceptance.

Look to the natural world for joy, innocence, and beauty; We accept the natural world as beautiful in all its complicated balancing ways; maybe we can accept ourselves just like this, and break the frosty rime that holds back the shoots and leaves of beautiful new growth...

There is a key energetic distinction between perfectionism and excellence. Part of Virgo's "shadow side" is a tendency toward perfectionism, and being overly judgmental not only of others, but of ourselves. Listening to your inner critic all day long will drain your energy and drag down your self-confidence, leaving you feeling pushed and drained.

The good news is that perfectionism is just a stepping stone on the way to excellence. While the results of each may look like success, but the intention and mindset behind the work make all the difference in how we feel in the end.

Excellence will energize you and build self-confidence. It is a space of Enthusiasm that is enormously positive to the Spirit, as we do our best to work toward a determined outcome.

Sometimes, when we get caught up in a highly charged 'productivity' mode, it is possible to write off self-love and self acceptance as a slippery slope to being passive, not trying, or putting in a half-hearted overly-relaxed effort. Nothing could be further from the truth. Self-love and self acceptance are the keys to excellence in all things, allowing our spirits to flourish and our true selves to shine.

Here are some affirmations to help you shine bright and put forth new sprouts in this new cycle:

I deserve to live in an atmosphere of joy and acceptance.
This present experience is a stepping-stone to a new awareness.
Every habit and pattern I create serves me in some way. When I am ready to let it go, the universe helps me release it.
The moment I start to change, the moment I am willing to bring good into my life, the universe responds in kind.
I am worthy of my own love. I don't have to earn love any more than I have to earn the right to breathe.
There is no need to struggle to be better. All I need to do is love myself more today than yesterday and treat myself as someone who is deeply loved.
I am incredibly capable. Whenever I encounter a challenge in my life, I use the experience to learn and grow.
I am a beloved child of the universe and have been given everything I need for every experience I shall have.
It is safe for me to look within. Each time I look deeper into myself, I will find incredibly beautiful treasures.
I freely express who I am. It is my birthright to express myself in ways that are fulfilling to me.
I am in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.
I am aware that I am pure consciousness.
I know I am one with all life.
I am the beauty and joy of the universe, expressing and receiving.
I am in harmony with all that surrounds me. I am at peace.

How to Love Yourself Cards

These affirmations were selected from Louise Hay's "How to Love Yourself Cards," which you can find at Paradise Found or order on our Bookshop.org page. Louise Hay (1926-2017) was an inspirational teacher who educated millions about the power of affirmations to bring about positive change, Louise was the author of more than 30 books for adults and children, including You Can Heal Your Life, The Power Is Within You and Mirror Work.

Sometimes you have to step sideways into self-love. But when you do find a way through perfectionism, past judgment, into the wide open space of excellent effort, the sensation of opening and illumination is a delight, and elevates all that you do and all that you are. This Spring is a perfect time to grow into your best Self.

May you be inspired with creativity, enthusiasm, and all good things.

Vernus | A poem for the Spring Equinox
by Jess Vice

1. Equinox
Today most especially
we hover in the balance.
Day meets dark in
equal parts,
but we —
we are tipping into the light.
2. Winter’s End
Out of a season
of pruning, pause, prudence,
of waiting waiting waiting, we emerge:
bony, ashen creatures
lapping at dregs
weary of cold
hungry for light,
wringing gray flake from our creaking limbs.
3. Below
I want to plunge deep roots
putting out blind tendrils that grope for more
to entwine and bind —
with you —
together holding our dear Earth.
We will weave her a shining net,
gold in the broken places.
4. Above
I want to spread my fingers into the sun
to cup it into the pale curved leaf of my body
swallow down the liquid light
course it through my secret channels
and greedily nourish each twining limb.
Draw the ancient promise deep
into my tree heart.
The light is coming.
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