Pink Full Moon in Libra Meditation

Join us this Saturday April 16th from 6-7pm for a Pink Full Moon in Libra Meditation and Ritual with Rose DeLos Angeles!

Join us for a Pink Full Moon in Libra Meditation & Ritual with Rose DeLos Angeles!
Balance & Harmony
When: Saturday April 16th from 6pm-7pm
Where: Instagram Live on the page of Paradise Found

This Full Moon in Libra is filled with insight as all Libra's are born with the gift of sight! This Moon we will focusing on the balance & Harmony of this great beauty of Libra. If you have your scales tipped in an area in your life such as needing balance between work & home, balance in family & relationships, juggling projects, not getting enough sleep and rest that's putting stress on your body, too much work & not enough play or pleasure. There could be many other areas in your life where the scales are tilted that you are ignoring but this will bring it to your awareness to start doing something about it to bring in balance then that will finally bring HARMONY in your life.

Libra is the embodiment of beauty, love & balance & Justice. We will also call in the beauty in Libra for your sight so you can see all things in beauty to make things easier all around. We also ask for awareness be brought to your sight so you can identify where the scales are tipped.

In this meditation I will invoke the element of Air and we will be working with Air for clarity in sight to bring balance & harmony in your life. I will invoke and bring in Libra also work on balancing those areas in your life and to give you any insight you will need to help you. I will also invoke your Guardian Angels to help facilitate this process for you.

Please note:

If you would like to have any crystals present or light any candles please do so. Whatever you feel called to have present with you will be charged up with the ritual energy! Suggested crystals for this meditation are Garnet, rubies, for balance. Lapis, for sight. Rose quartz for love & beauty.

If you have a list of your hearts desires/intentions it will be taken up by your Guardian Angel & Cosmic Angels of the Universe up to become manifest.

Artist: @midnightmoonvisuals

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