Review & Release Ritual | Letter to Your Future Self

Cast your mind back and think about all the special moments of this year, and where you are in your vision and goals for the coming year. Use this letter to create a snapshot of who you are in this moment, at the edge of 2022-2023, your hopes & dreams, favorites memories & most humorous flops...

The last weeks of 2022 are slipping by, and it is time to look back and check in with ourselves about what made this year unique, challenging, joyful, and all the ways we were deeply touched by experiences, people and places over the past 12 months.

One way to make all these growth experiences even more meaningful is to write about them--Write a letter to your future self, to be opened at the end of next year, that way you will be able to look back and see how much you've learned, and appreciate all the ways in which life changes, evolves, and remember moments of particular joy and beauty.

Remember, it can be whatever you want or need it to be! Once you finish, seal it, Label it "Do not open until December 2023" and keep it somewhere safe. In this way you can let go, stop holding on to everything so tightly, but you also know you have a refresher in store to remind you of important lessons, bring back good memories, and remind you of how far you've come!

Where to start?

Cast your mind back and think about all the special moments of this year, and where you are in your vision and goals for the coming year. Use this letter to create a snapshot of who you are in this moment, at the edge of 2022-2023, your hopes & dreams, favorites memories & most humorous flops...

Here are some questions to inspire your letter writing:

What is your mood/theme for 2023?

Who/what is your muse going to be in the new year?

What is something you'd love to overcome in 2023?

What is something you want to do more of or less of in 2023?

Top 3 lessons learned in 2022

What and who are you most thankful for having in 2022?

What new skills did you learn? Did you un-learn anything?

How did your overall outlook on life change or evolve?

What are you most proud of that you accomplished this year?

What was the nicest thing someone did for you this year?

What was the biggest compliment you received this year?

What new things did you discover about yourself?

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