Light your Inner Fire of Inspiration

Lean into the archetype of the truth-seeker, on fire with inspiration, motivation, and creativity. Work with the root chakra and get into a Horse Stance of emotional stability to provide a launch-pad for creative expression, inspired projects and transformation...

"There is a spark of desire that ignites our need to seek out the truth. Something in us is driven to search for the unknown; there is an inkling, a hunch or an awakening that something just beyond our conscious awareness is beckoning to us...This is the strength of Sagittarius, the ability to embark on the ultimate quest; the quest to understand Self."
~Chani Nicholas

For the Full Moon in Sagittarius, we are leaning into the archetype of the truth-seeker, on fire with inspiration, motivation, and creativity. For this fiery sign we have chosen fiery red stones, which have an additional layer or meaning in that they resonate with the lower chakras, specifically the root chakra, seat of fundamental childhood patterns and our emotional foundation for life. Their stabilizing, grounding energy is what is needed to anchor into the Earth--to get into a Horse Stance of emotional stability to provide a launch-pad for creative expression, inspired projects and transformation both of ourselves and of our world.

In our grid we used the following stones, from center to edge:

Red Aragonite

Red Aragonite | A reliable earth-healer and grounding stone, Aragonite provides strength and support, stabilizes the root chakra and deepens one's connection with the earth. It is a helpful stone for those seeking a more flexible and compassionate mental outlook, and who desire the benefits of discipline, reliability, and a pragmatic approach to life.

Carnelian | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Carnelian | A stabilizing stone, Carnelian restores vitality and motivation, and stimulates creativity. It gives courage, promotes positive life choices, dispels apathy and motivates for success. Calms anger, banishes emotional negativity and replaces it with a love of life!

Citrine | A stone of abundance and prosperity that brings about joy and enthusiasm, citrine is not a root chakra stone but a solar plexus stone, which is helpful when working with personal will and increasing willpower, determination, and motivation. The seeds of success are planted with a positive, sunny outlook combined with disciplined preparation, and this is what Citrine supports.

Red Jasper | This crystal stimulates the base chakras and assists in processing issues arising from early childhood experiences. This stone can bring helpful insights into view that can help to progress toward set goals, while also enhancing your understanding of the connection between humans and nature, and the big picture of life on earth.

Tiger's Eye | Combine earth energy with the energies of the sun to create a high vibrational state that is also grounded. Work with Tiger's Eye to recognize your talents and abilities, muster your inner resources and unblock the source of your creativity. Tiger's eye promotes clarity of intention, and anchors change into the physical body.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius, just a week before the Summer Solstice, suggests a need to re-ignition of those inner fires, as we keep both feet firmly rooted on the ground. Understanding our physical place in the world and drawing strength from that, is the foundation for supporting our creative expression and inspiration.

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