New Moon in Aquarius | Thursday 2/11 at 11:05am PST 23°16’

This New Moon is a strong reminder that it’s time to stop absorbing frequencies around you and instead define them. It’s also a reminder to do the work needed to vibrate at your highest potential. When we vibrate at our highest frequency from a place of authenticity, we become unstoppable, and the world changes for the better because of our presence.

I Invoke the spirit within me
To partner with the energy of this New Moon
to allow love to flow through my entire being.
I treat myself and others with genuine kindness and respect.
I am building a foundation of peace so I can respond to life with ease.
I am grateful for the opportunity to grow.

"In what ways can we love more? Love deeper? Love fiercer? Love fuller?
In this time of fear and division, how can we bridge the chasm between us?
What do you need in order to feel safe, held, loved?
What boundaries do you need to establish in order to love more fully and generously?"

Photo credit @deannathomastherapies via Instagram

2/11 New Moon in Aquarius, 2/12 Chinese Lunar New Year Year of the Ox

"This second New Moon of 2021 is supercharged by the energy of Aquarius. We have the Moon and Sun in Aquarius, joined by Venus, Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter. The Water Bearer’s energy is at maximum strength, with six cosmic bodies landing in this Air sign bringing us plenty of inspiration, innovation, and clarity to inform our intentions. This New Moon’s main message teaches us that our thoughts, emotions, and actions make up our energetic field and influence the frequency we emit from that field. The vibration we put out into the world attracts the vibrations we receive and our ability to manifest our visions. It also contributes to the collective frequency, helping to shape it.

This New Moon is a strong reminder that it’s time to stop absorbing frequencies around you and instead define them. It’s also a reminder to do the work needed to vibrate at your highest potential. When we vibrate at our highest frequency from a place of authenticity, we become unstoppable, and the world changes for the better because of our presence. As you write your intentions feel into the frequency they need from you to manifest. What vibration do you need to emanate into the world to attract your dreams? What work do you need to do each day to reach that vibrational level that matches your authentic self?

On this New Moon, commit to shifting your frequency each day. Begin by taking steps to know yourself at your deepest level, including your beliefs, what makes your heart smile, what you are willing to fight for, and what you want to contribute to the collective. Take your time in learning who you are. You may not uncover every layer on this New Moon but create a routine that will help you discover your authentic truth. Then decide the vibration you want to live at throughout each day. Create practices that help you reach this energy and remain there." ~@SpiritDaughter

Click here for an astrological perspective from our lovely Anna Chapman!

Crystals for Aquarian Vibes

Labradorite | A stone of transformation and magic. Helpful during times of change. Great for boosting strength and perseverance. Promotes growth of psychic abilities. Dispels fear and insecurity. Stimulates the imagination and fosters new ideas. Consider the blue 'flash' as imparting 'flashes of insight'.

Aquamarine | A calming stone, especially for sensitives. Sharpens perception and intuition. A stone of courage and protection, especially in travel. Helps to keep an open mind, increasing acceptance of 'the other'. Enhances spiritual communication and verbal self-expression.

Peacock Ore (Chalcopyrite) | Promotes happiness while also dispelling negative energy. Guides one in a positive direction and teaches that joy is in every moment. Helps in the acceptance that 'all is at it should be'. Encourages understanding and aids in finding true purpose.

Ritual for the New Moon in Aquarius

Ground your body, clear your mind...

Become aware of your body. Notice how gravity holds and connects you to earth. It’s as though your body is an ancient stone temple—solid, strong, secure. Sanctify this temple. Imagine a priestess is pouring sacred water and scattering rose petals, all the way down, from your head to your toes. Any anxiety or negativity washes away. Notice the thoughts and feelings leaving the temple—your judgments, your distracted mind, your worried heart. Be sure to honor them. Give each a smile and a piece of cake as it departs.

Draw a circle of protection, call in blessings…

Visualize a ring of fragrant flowers surrounding you, protecting you. Know that you are safe and relaxed. Breathe deeply. Feel the power of the Sun and Moon pouring into your circle. The energy of Aquarius is gathering in your circle. It is inventive and unconventional. It can be detached and rational as a scientist and as passionately involved as a revolutionary. It works for the good of all even as it honors the unique gifts of the self. Inspired by its ruling planet Uranus, Aquarius is interested in shaking up whatever has grown stale or too traditional. Let yourself feel its electric energy tremoring at the core of your being. Let it shake you up and turn you toward inspired new directions.

Allow seed intentions to form…

Your intentions for this cycle are gathering. You may already know what you wish to accomplish. Or you may not. Trust that all will unfold perfectly in time. Know that this brief ritual has aligned you with spirit. Now ask your heart if it has a closing message for you. This may come in words or as a picture, perhaps as a body sensation or sound. Give yourself time to receive this message. Digest it. Write it down. Then, in gratitude to yourself and spirit, return to normal awareness. Place a symbol of your Aquarius New Moon message on your altar. ~Ritual from Dana Gerhart,

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