New Moon in Aries | Tuesday 3/24 at 2:28 am PST

"What can you change proactively that has not already been changed for you? Perhaps it is how you spend your time or how you communicate in your relationships. Perhaps it is around your spiritual practices, your attitudes and your judgments. Perhaps it is about rekindling your creative proactive spirit to include some things in your life that have been sorely missing." 

new moon in aries

Connecting with larger natural rhythms can be important anchors in maintaining our own sense of balance no matter what is happening in the world. Please see Anna’s article for more New Moon in Aries insights.The first new moon of the spring occurs on March 24th. In Aries, the sign of the self, and conjunct Chiron (a minor planet named after the Greek god of healers and teachers), the new moon reminds us of the importance of addressing our pain and suffering. Chiron’s myth tells the story of a powerful healer who is wounded but cannot heal that wound. Chiron teaches us that we are not above the suffering that we encounter, we are not above the vulnerability of being human, we are not above how fragile the web of life really is. Chani NicholasDespite everything happening in the outside world, this New Moon can still feel promising on a personal level. Aries provides the opportunity for a cosmic re-set and brings with it the power of initiation, which is never easy. Symbolically, we are in a rite of passage, stepping into the new life through Spring while exiting the dormant world of Winter. It's a time to focus on you, and there is literally no time better than right now. With everyone sheltering in place and hunkering down, we have been provided an amazing opportunity to slow down, go inward and be with our Self. During this time of crisis, we are being provided a new route of change for a fresh start.This will be a very trying time, not only dealing with our own personal wounds brought up by Chiron's influence but the global karma the world is suffering at this time. We will need to remain strong in order to achieve inner balance and remain separate of the new global reality unfolding before us. We will need to avoid fear and panic, while instead living fully in peace and love. And despite these newly imposed confines, we can learn new ways in which to connect and engage. We are all still 'here' and we can still be out here 'together'. It is equally important to stay connected with others while maintaining the work on our inner journey.

3/21 Saturn enters Aquarius until 7/1

While we don’t know how the coming days, months, and years will unfold, we do know that we must wash ourselves clean of any misconceptions that we can remain in this system and be successful. As we move through these enormous challenges ahead, we need to prepare space internally and externally for new solutions to come forth. We need to be patient with our process as the external systems crumble, for they are all we have known. Even when we want a new world, letting go of the old can be unnerving. As structures and systems show their incompetence, our internal worlds will need time to adjust, refocus, and realign with what can carry us the distance. We can and we will find new ways to organize and care for one another, but it will take a Saturnian effort to do so. It will take our determination, dedication, and patient persistence. Today, and for many more days to come.Chani Nicholas

Crystals To Work With

Amethyst | Ranging from nearly clear, pale violet, to a deep dark purple, Amethyst is a calming stone, known for its abilities to still the mind and help enhance insight meditation. It helps in absorbing new ideas, putting thought into action, and encouraging a sense of tranquility.Howlite | This milky white crystal with grey and black veining is a powerful stone of patience, helping to dissolve anger, pain and stress.Agate | This family of stones, including the fiery red Laguna Agate, green Moss Agate, and Blue Lace Agate among others, is great for promoting inner stability, composure, and maturity. Working with agate helps us transform life experiences into spiritual growth and inner stability.Rainbow Obsidian | A black stone with a rainbow sheen glimmering just beneath the surface, this crystal is used to help soften and ease the effects of shock or fear, protecting against depression and negativity, which opening your awareness to love, joy and light.

Affirmations for the New Moon in Aries

I root down to open up. I surrender to nature's laws. I welcome change and new ways of connecting.I am loved and I love in return.I am the seed. My activities are the soil.I am a valuable, dynamic part of the big picture

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