New Moon in Libra | Sunday 9/25 at 2:54 p.m. PT

The New Moon in Libra draws our attention to relationships, to balance, beauty and tranquility. Find crystals for heart healing, and learn about the practice of spiritual bathing...And perhaps be inspired to create a ritual of your own!

"I dance through obstacles with effortless ease and artful balance.
I embody tact, diplomacy and curiosity, and communicate clearly on a profound level.
I build my home from all things good and beautiful, creating a serene space for rest and play.
My thoughts, words and deeds are daily offerings of gratitude."

New Moon 2 degrees Libra | Sunday 9/25 at 2:54 p.m. PT

"The Libra New Moon is an opportunity to define your relational space. It’s a time to look at all of your relationships and decide if they are serving you or if they need some adjustment. It’s also a time to write intentions around your relationships, including the one with yourself. However, before looking at any of your partnerships, it’s important to cultivate balance within your own energy. This New Moon tends to bring up many emotions and thoughts. As an Air sign, Libra stirs the mental realm, and you may find yourself overthinking or feeling overwhelmed by energy. It’s important to take the time to ground your energy and settle your mind before writing intentions.

Spend time this New Moon cultivating a feeling of peace and calm within yourself. Surround yourself with beauty, connect with nature, and find ways to settle your energy. Use the yoga and meditation practices in this workbook to help you find your sense of peace. Pay close attention to your breath this day, and make every effort to keep it smooth, balanced, and free. Your breath is the first place to begin calming your nervous system, mind, and body. If you feel unbalanced at any time, close your eyes for a few moments, and focus on your breath to restore your inner calm. The more at peace you are within yourself, the more deeply you will harness the gifts of this New Moon."


"The New Moon on September 25th at 2 degrees Libra. Everything for Libra is about relationship. Librans have a discriminating eye that can see or feel a lack of harmony or balance quickly when in any environment. Their desire (Venus) is to uncover the point of perfect balance so that ideally one rests in tranquility, stillness. No ripple on the pond. The mind at ease. As we know or are apt to discover, no matter how perfect our outer environment may seem it is not responsible for inner tranquility. 

During this New Moon it is beneficial to notice where am I on this path to greater discovery; noticing with a discriminating eye what it is I rely upon to instill the peace I seek. Noticing how I relate to others in my current quest from my place upon this life path; how I relate to all that is external, my outer world. As we become more aware of interactions with the external it deepens our wisdom and focuses intention upon that which cannot be seen."

~Anna Chapman - click here to read the rest of Anna's article!

Crystals for Healthy Relationships & Heart Healing

Libra is ruled by Venus, and strongly associated with the Heart Chakra, Anahata, located in the center of the chest. The New Moon in Libra is a good time to reflect on emotional healing, intimacy, and relationships of all kinds. Here are some allies from the mineral kingdom to support you:

Fluorite | Is helpful when seeking balance in relationships, and gently bringing deep feelings to the surface so they can be expressed, addressed, and resolved. Call on Fluorite when you want to dissolve fixed patterns of behavior or thinking, turn chaos into a harmonious order, and connect people with a shared purpose and sense of stability.

Chrysocolla | May enhance communication within a relationship, alleviating guilt and bringing in joy. Work with Chrysocolla to reverse toxic emotional programming, to invoke deep personal strength, and to calm cleanse and reenergize all the chakras and align them with the divine.

Rhodonite | An emotional balancer that nurtures love and encourages the unity of all people. Stimulates, clears, and activates the heart chakra, clearing emotional wounds and assisting with deep healing leading to true self-love and forgiveness. Rhodonite encourages calm in stressful situations, builds up confidence and alleviates confusion.

Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.
Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.

Sacred Waters & Spiritual Bathing

“The early Sumerians considered water the primordial element that came from an abyss that surrounded the earth.
The Yoruba goddess Obatala created the world from a floating ball of water.
Vishnu in India formed the earth while he floated on a serpent in the cosmic seas…"
~Nadine Epstein & Rosita Arvigo

The New Moon in Libra (September 25th, 2022) puts us in touch with Venus, sensual pleasure, the love of beauty and harmony in all things. Pleasure, beauty, and Spirit align in the practice of spiritual bathing, and the universal reverence or recognition of water as a substance for cleansing, purifying and restoring our whole being. A spiritual bath usually combines water, prayer, and ritual--and sometimes flowers or plants--to cleanse, purify, refresh and renew the spirit.

In their book, Spiritual Bathing, Nadine Epstein and Rosita Arvigo go into detail about traditions around the world, from Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions, to the Maya, Aztec, and Inca; Hindu and Buddhist rituals, and ceremonies from African traditions. They offer plenty of practical guidance, recipes and tips as well! Their book is a treasure for anyone wishing to both broaden and deepen their perspective on ritual, spirituality and sacred baths.

Here are a few common threads across cultures:

~Water is sacred and can cleanse and purify the spirit
~Spiritual baths separate the mundane from the spiritual
~Spiritual baths help people open to spiritual guidance and the wisdom and beauty of Nature and the Divine
~Spiritual bathing removes negative influences and creates an energetic layer of protection
~Ritual baths are used to purify altar statues and ceremonial tools

Get Creative! Tips for creating your own spiritual bathing ritual

~Gather your supplies—especially if you share a bathroom, it is a good idea to dedicate a special basket for your ritual items and suds-ing supplies...

~Candles create a lovely flickering light that is very soothing for the nervous system.

~Lighting a stick of lavender incense, or adding a few drops of essential oil to the water, is very calming as well. A bundle of Eucalyptus leaves hung from your showerhead will release their refreshing fragrance into the air.

~A meditation or prayer of your choice--perhaps a selection from To Bless the Space Between Us, a book of blessings by poet and student of beauty, John O'Donohue; or a poem from Mala of Love, a collection of 108 blessings, prayers and invocations of love and peace.

~You can bring some crystals with you, or bathe with crystal-infused soaps…A small but essential luxury, crystal bar soaps combine the restorative benefits of charged crystals and essential oils, and when you finish using the soap you will have a new crystal to add to your collection.

~Tips for flower baths: Place the fresh or dried leaves & flowers in a basin with water for 3 hours. Crush the plants with your hands in the water until the water takes on a greenish color and the plant parts are well mashed. Pour 2 quartz of boiling water over the plants, cover, and allow them to steep for 30 minutes. Once the water is at a comfortable temperature, pour it into the bathtub, or pour it over your body from a dipper (or ladle!).

For those of us who live in smaller spaces…Do not worry—You do not need a bath, per se…sometimes a luxurious foot soak will do! A splashing fountain may stand in for the sprinkling of rain, and your shower can take the place of a waterfall… As with any ritual, its transformative power comes from within, and the processes of imagining and preparing for the ritual are as important as the bath itself.

Follow your intuition to create a ceremony that is unique to you and your needs. Find supplies and inspiration at Paradise Found--our aim is to support you on your personal journey, as you explore your spiritual side, try new things, learn & grow, and seek out peace, love & good vibes.

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