New Moon in Pisces | Sunday 3/10/24, 1:01 a.m. PT

"The Pisces New Moon marks the final New Moon of the astrological year. It allows us to find closure from the past, including our past wounds. It also opens the doorway to an expanded consciousness, one that can feel the future we are about to live." ~Spirit Daughter

I dive deep into the essence of things,
Taking the space I need to daydream, process, and intuit.
When change comes, I visualize the possibilities before me,
Flowing and growing with the natural currents of life.

New Moon in Pisces | Sunday 3/10/24, 1:01 a.m. PT

"The Pisces New Moon marks the final New Moon of the astrological year. It allows us to find closure from the past, including our past wounds. It also opens the doorway to an expanded consciousness, one that can feel the future we are about to live. This Moon can help you understand the vastness of your energy and your potential. It’s a time to feel your interconnectedness and know that everything you desire is already yours. All you have to do is unblock yourself and receive the life that is already yours. You do not need to control every detail; instead, hold the vision of what you write today. Feel it, be it, and believe that it is already real. Then, allow for it to happen by following the flow of your life."

~Spirit Daughter

"One of the highlights of this coming week occurs on Sunday, March 10, when the Sun and Moon align at 20°16' Pisces. While a Pisces New Moon always enhances our emotional, spiritual, and psychic sensitivity, these qualities are further accentuated due to Luna's conjunction with ethereal Neptune, the planet of Divine Love, and her sextile to consciousness-raising Uranus, the planet of Higher Mind."

~Pam Younghans, North Point Journal

3/8 to 3/9: Mahashivaratri--Hindu fast, night vigil, and feast for God-Goddess Shiva-Shakti (union of Will and Power), who dances to create, destroy, and re-create the Universe. Tantric Hindus believe Shiva is within all men and Shakti within all women.

3/10 eve to 4/9 eve: Ramadan--Muslim month of purification by self-reflection, fasting from sunrise to sunset, peace-making, and helping those in need.

3/16 eve to 3/17 eve: Feast of Old Greek Goddess Artemis - as protector of wild animals, vegetation, and places. *

3/17: Day Tibetan Buddhists meditate on and emulate Bodhisattva Goddess Green Tara’s loving-kindness to self and others. *

3/17: St. Patrick’s Day--Old European festival marking rebirth of the Green Man (God as deciduous vegetation); merged with the Christian feast of St. Patrick.

3/19 to 3/23: Old Roman festival of Goddess Minerva - as font of artistic inspiration.

Excerpted from THE MYSTIC'S WHEEL OF THE YEAR 2024
A Multifaith Calendar Reflecting Eco-Egalitarian Spirituality
© 2023 Marija

Swimming Beneath the Conscious | Crystals for the New Moon in Pisces

“And if the world has ceased to hear you,
say to the silent earth: I flow.
To the rushing water, speak: I am.”    
~Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus

With the New Moon in Pisces, we plunge into the sea of being, and swim beneath the waves of consciousness, riding the deep currents of inner wisdom. Whether you frequently remember your dreams, or wish to learn how to dream with intention, here are three crystals to encourage peaceful sleep and vivid dreams, better dream recall and deeper insight.

Amethyst | Ranging in color from lightest lavender to deep violet, this purple crystal of serenity assists in peaceful sleep, dream recall, and spiritual insight. Amethyst opens and activates the crown chakra, enhances intuition and helps nourish a deeper connection with Source. Amethyst Bracelets | Amethyst Palm Stones

Clear Quartz | For Clarifies and amplifies physical and mental energies while harmonizing the individual with the energy of the universe. Clear Quartz is a perfect stone for those seeking vivid dreams, clearer dream recall, and insight into the deeper meanings of their dreams. Assists in meditation, spiritual development, healing and purification of body, mind and spirit. Clear Quartz Points | Clear Quartz Hearts

Howlite | Encourages emotional expression, and patience with self and others. Howlite brings calm and relaxation, and is used as an aid to relieve insomnia. This white stone may help release emotional pain, stress, and anger, bringing increased clarity and awareness. Howlite Bracelets

Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.
Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.

Remember How to Fly: Tips for Dreamwork and Dreamplay

"Everyday the culture will try to steal us away from ourselves. Every night we have to steal ourselves back again. Every every time."
~Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes,
author of Women Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype
"You are born to fly, and in dreams you remember the soul has wings."
~Robert Moss,
author of Dreaming the Soul Back Home: Shamanic Dreaming for Healing and Becoming Whole

Dreaming is such an enormous topic, so we are just scratching the surface with some tips and tools, which we hope will serve to inspire exploration, experimentation, and reconnaissance (recognition).

Evening Affirmations for Dreaming

"Incorporating positive affirmations into your evening rituals can enhance your dreams by easing you into a state or rest and receptivity. Here are some affirmations for insightful dreams:

~I open myself to the divine wisdom of my dreams and the unlimited potential of my imagination.
~My dreams always have the answers I am looking for. I listen carefully for their messages.
~Tonight, I ask for dreams that will bring healing, renewal, and welcome changes to my life.
~The more I listen to my dreams, the more I learn, understand, and appreciate about myself.
~My dreams are a gateway to embracing my inner magic, truth, and power.
~Tonight, my dreams will be vivid, clear, and insightful. The messages I need will be easy to recall in the morning.
~In my dreams, I awaken to my true self and embrace all parts of my being."

~Excerpt from Luminous Dreams: Explore the Abundant Magic and Hidden Meanings in Your Dreams, by Katie Huang.

Tips for Dream Journaling

Keep a notebook or pad of paper right by your bed, easily reached in the dark, with a pencil or pen, and possibly a flashlight. Record impressions, sensations, images, words, feelings, such as...

~Weather, foliage, atmospheres & cosmos
~Themes (rushing, being lost, exploring, abandonment, dancing)
~Moods and senses
~Rooms or places, unknown spaces
~Emotions within the dream
~People, archetypes or obscure or out-of-picture figures
~Dreams within dreams or memories, or the collapsing of reality and dream-space
~Powers or lack thereof
~How you feel upon waking up
~Magical influences and abilities
~Desires, vices, hunger, needs
~Recurrent dreams (are they the same, or slightly different?)
~Words (spoken or read or even felt) that recur or that stand out
~Time in which the dream occurred (night, day, during a moon phase or when the moon is a ~Certain sign or during an astrological season)

~Lisa Marie Basile, author of Light Magic For Dark Times

Relaxation with Crystals

Prepare for dreaming by relaxing before bed and meditating with crystals. Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Howlite are good dream helpers, and you can read more about them in our article "Swimming Beneath the Conscious: Crystals for the New Moon in Pisces."

Explore Books, Decks, and More

Find books on lucid dreaming and dream interpretation at Paradise Found! We also have a list of books that can be ordered online from our page; the list is called Dreamwork & Dreamplay: Cultivating Imagination Through the Power of Dreaming and contains books and decks of interest to the intentional dreamer, including The Mystical Dream Tarot.

This beautiful deck was created and written by Dr. Janet Piedilato with woodcutting artwork by Tom Duxbury based on Dr. Piedilato’s watercolor illustrations, The author is a transpersonal psychologist, complementary health-care consultant, and ordained minister who has spent a lifetime studying the value of altered states as represented by visionary, dream, and shamanic experiences. She holds doctorates in biology and transpersonal psychology, and studied under Stanley Krippner, the world-renowned dream psychologist.

The deck features “dream images” used to “dig more deeply into the personal consciousness, helping each of us find answers which are within our own unique psyche. . . .Each of the Major Arcana has a "dream incubation message", so that you can pull a card before bed and meditate on the short passage of text that will (hopefully!) inspire some creative, fruitful dreaming...

"All human beings are also dream beings. Dreaming ties all mankind together."
~Jack Kerouac
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