New! Power Your Local Bookstore with Audiobooks

We now offer audio books! You can listen on your iPhone, Android device, or PC. These audiobooks are available through our partner,, and all sales support our store Paradise Found.You can choose from thousands of titles, from spiritual and metaphysical books, to New York Times Bestsellers and everything in between. Your options are flexible:

  • A La Carte listening: Are you an occasional listener? With, you can purchase and listen to audiobooks on your own schedule with no strings attached.
  • Monthly Membership: Are you an avid listener? Then this is the option for you. Get your first audiobook for free and then pay $14.99 each month.
  • Audiobook Gifts: You can gift 1, 3, 6, and 12 month audiobook memberships to friends and family through
  • #AudiobookSwitch: Switching from another audiobook provider? Let us thank you with 3 audiobooks for the price of 1. Simply enter the code “SWITCH” when you start your membership.

Click here to start listening! is a great, independent alternative to other listening services, and they pay fair prices to authors and publishers. You can continue getting the convenience you need, while supporting a local independent bookshop, and putting your dollars back into your community at a time when it is most needed!

Message from a bookseller

I love "real" books, that is why I work at Paradise Found! The feel of a book in my hand, the weight of a book in my bag, is like the company of a good friend.On the other hand, how sweet it is to hear poems read by their be guided through meditations and lessons in personal or spiritual growth by a human voice, so that you can just sit still, and close your eyes, and let the teachings flow through you.All that is to say, At Paradise Found we recognize people learn, read, and absorb information in many different ways...and we would like to facilitate your experience by providing an alternative. Hence, audiobooks!We chose to partner with to bring you audiobooks, because they help small businesses, rather than compete with them, and this partnership helps cycle resources back into the community, making us stronger together.We invite you to try it out, and share this link with your networks (copy and paste into an email, text message, facebook post or message...) to help support Paradise Found, and let people know about this new, independent, alternative way to listen!Click here to try now!

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