Remember the Rituals of Conscious Communication

Conscious communication, from a place of authenticity, is a way to manifest the better world of our hopes and dreams, in the here and now. Our words and their expression, in all forms, shape our reality. Actively listening, and communicating with kindness, vulnerability, and awareness, can make all the difference in the world.

Communication is an offering. When you tell someone your truth, you must release your expectation of what the other person should do with it. They may thank you profusely, love you forever, argue with you, or ignore you. It doesn't matter.
Of course we hope the gift will be received with appreciation and thanks. But if it isn't we must not dictate. We've done our part, and we must trust the universe to do the rest.
~Alan Cohen

"Communication is a symbolic process by which reality is produced, maintained, repaired, and transformed." This theory, proposed by James Carey (1934-2006) is a more formal way of expressing what we all know deep down to be true: We are what we think.

We use artistic and material forms such as dance, plays, music, architecture, news stories, to confirm the underlying order of things, and to manifest ongoing social transformation.

We can see communication as a process that enables and enacts societal transformation...Conscious communication, from a place of authenticity, is a way to manifest the better world of our hopes and dreams, in the here and now.

Our words and their expression, in all forms, shape our reality. Actively listening, and communicating with kindness, vulnerability, and awareness, can make all the difference in the world. Communication has been described as a sacred ceremony that draws people together in fellowship and commonality. It is a central daily ritual that helps form and sustain communities.

Affirmations for Conscious Communication

These affirmations are intended to affirm the sacredness of our shared experience, genuine self-expression, and each individual's role in co-creating the reality we wish to live in. Speak them aloud and feel any emotions or bodily sensations that arise--If any tension arises, let yourself gently investigate, reflect, and perhaps journal about the possible sources of your feelings.

“I communicate clearly and effectively from the essence of my true self."
"I am a deliberate listener, pausing to reflect before responding."
"I listen respectfully, without judgment, to gain complete appreciation of the situation at hand."
"I am genuinely interested in what other people have to say."
"I have a loving voice."
"I trust my ability to speak for what is right."
"I freely express my emotions in a calm and thoughtful manner."
"I am worthy, and who I am right now, is worth expressing."
"I make space for self-expression in my life."
"I am creative."
"My voice is a unique contribution to the world."

To close, here is a beautiful message about the power of language, from the Irish poet and author John O'Donohue (1956-2008):

"It is strange to be here. The mystery never leaves you alone. Behind your image, below your words, above your thoughts, the silence of another world waits. A world lives within you. No one else can bring you news of this inner world.
Through the opening of the mouth, we bring out words from the mountain beneath the soul. These sounds are words. The world is full of words. There are so many talking all the time, loudly, quietly, in rooms, on streets, on television, on radio, in the paper, in books.
The noise of words keeps what we call the world there for us. We take each other's sounds and make patterns, predictions, benedictions, and blasphemies. Each day, our tribe of language holds what we call the world together.
Yet the uttering of the word reveals how each of us relentlessly creates. Everyone is an artist. Each person brings sound out of silence and coaxes the invisible to become visible."
~John O'Donohue, Anam Cara
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