Rhodonite~Stone of Love & Assurance by Jessica Allen

A rose pink stone that is sometimes pink with mottled black areas, Rhodonite is an emotionally soothing stone that is very helpful for easing anxiety and navigating difficult situations. It activates and works directly with the heart chakra, stimulating and acknowledging tender loving emotions while enhancing one's connection to divine will.


Rhodonite is a stone that can be used to align and attune to cosmic consciousness, and to enhance one's connection to the powers of the universe. This property of the stone is part of what makes it so helpful in soothing chaotic emotions, as it provides the calming assurance that even the most difficult circumstances are part of "the big picture" which is always in line with one's ultimate destiny.

This stone is great to use in situations where one is troubled by feelings of heartache, especially when one feels that they are very much in love with someone that doesn't feel the same way. Rhodonite acts as a strengthening balm for the heart, acknowledging the tenderness and honesty of the sentiment, but encouraging the user to become aware of the true nature of the attachment. It can be used to promote self-love and will help heal emotional wounds, enhancing the user's ability to avoid harboring self-destructive emotional attachments and encouraging them to find love where it is available.

Meditating with Rhodonite and attuning to it's vibrations, one will find that it is powerfully balancing and grounding, and is especially helpful in keeping one in tune with their heart-center. It ensures that actions are being taken from a perspective of loving consciousness and stimulates the most positive aspects of one's nature. Use Rhodonite to energize and activate your heart chakra, and to start the New Year from a new perspective that encourages tenderness and embraces trust.

Happy New Year!

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