As we feel this Taurus Full Moon come in, it will bring in much-needed grounding energy to help with the Total Lunar eclipse intense energies. Feeling grounded will help stabilize our emotions and clear us with new earth energies to handle things better...
As we feel this Taurus Full Moon come in, it will bring in much-needed grounding energy to help with the Total Lunar eclipse intense energies. Feeling grounded will help stabilize our emotions and clear us with new earth energies to handle things better.
Lady Taurus will bless us with Gratitude and Grace for the changes that this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse will bring.
Whatever change that has come for you, this blessing will help you move through with ease and Grace and have Gratitude in the process.
Even though the Lunar Eclipse brings change, Lady Taurus will charge forward clearing your path as her hoofs Go full force forward smoothing out your pathway.
And if you are already in change and it's not smooth from this point forward it will be clear for you to do what you need to do.
We are still in Scorpio season so there is Magic afoot, and your intuition heightened to guide you down the right path. Lady Scorpio will also bless you with magic & heightened intuition to see clearly and follow your intuition without ignoring it or second guessing it.
Please note:
If you would like to have any crystals present or light any candles, please do so. Whatever you feel called to have present with you will be charged up with the ritual energy! Suggested crystals for this meditation are Chrysocolla for calmness of change, Moonstone for creation of change and new beginnings & Tiger's Eye for strength & courage for change.
If you have a list of your heart's desires/intentions, it will be taken up by your Guardian Angel & Cosmic Angels of the Universe up to become manifest.
Artist: @crownandpallette