Stones To Nurture Your Inner Child: Rhodonite + Danburite by Patsy Lakey

A child lives within every one of us, even the brave, fierce goddess who brought you into this world. At times we can become so distracted by everything happening in our lives that we forget about how big of a role our inner child plays in our experiences. It is of utmost importance that we heal and connect with the little being inside of us so we may continue to expand and flourish the way we are meant to. Not only is Mother’s Day the perfect reminder to honor the divine goddesses that are our mothers, Mother’s Day is also an opportunity for us to become the guardian angels of our inner children within that are waiting for love and acknowledgment from our adult Selves. Here are two stones that can assist us in cultivating a healing connection with our inner child.Compassion is one of the greatest gifts we can receive, give ourselves, and give to others. Compassion helps us heal and forgive. Rhodonite, known as the “stone of compassion,” heals the heart deeply at the root and inspires our ability to acknowledge and accept any pain, trauma, or fear we may have felt and transmute these feelings into love, forgiveness, and strength. Rhodonite facilitates the feeling of safety we need to heal our inner child. Once the heart has been healed, we can enjoy the sense of wonder we felt as children and experience the world from a fresh, tranquil place.The perfect complement to Rhodonite’s peaceful, compassionate energy is the ever-so-lovely Danburite. Danburite has exhilarating vibrations which reignite our sense of childlike joy by connecting our heart and crown chakra to heal wounds and fill us with healing, serene energy. When we fill these spaces with love, even daily routines or tasks that may otherwise feel mundane become exciting new experiences. Danburite enhances and inspires our inner light so we can cultivate and radiate it the way we’re meant to. Danburite’s rejuvenating energy makes every experience feel new and adventurous, which can boost self confidence and stimulate creativity.Everyone can benefit from going inward to heal and connect with their inner child. We can grow tremendously when we forgive and let go of our past and become open to the exciting possibilities that lie ahead. Together, Rhodonite and Danburite are a dream team that inspire compassion and forgiveness for Self and others, optimism, and the safety to be confident and expressive creatively. Even our brave, divine moms can benefit from a spark of childlike joy and enthusiasm.Happy Mother’s Day.

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