NEW! Galactic Calendars for the Yellow Electric Seed Year (July 26, 2021-July 25, 2022)

This calendar synchronizes our consciousness with galactic harmonies, helping us anchor new vibrations, new perceptions, and evolutionary realities on Planet Earth.

"The Galactic Frequency of this Year supports us to activate our next level thrival, and our next level service to life. Let us root to the reality that we are the Earth; we are the Universe. As human beings, the ancients say we are "Cosmic Vibratory Roots."

As we are infinitely interconnected and interdependent with all universal life force, we realize that this Planet is our collective Garden to tend to, materially and energetically. Together, we are undergoing a deep initiation of learning how to restore our multi-dimensional health and wholeness."
~from the Galactic Calendar 2021

Live the magic of every day by synchronizing with galactic time!

This calendar synchronizes our consciousness with galactic harmonies, helping us anchor new vibrations, new perceptions, and evolutionary realities on Planet Earth. This sacred time-tool is a gift from the stars. It is designed to guide humanity beyond the cycle of History that ended in 2012, and lead us into The New Era of Renewal & Regeneration that is now unfolding.

Brought to life by Dr. José Argüelles, this Solar-Lunar-Galactic Calendar offers a modern form of Ancient Mayan Time Science that is now universally activated by people of all cultures, in over 90 countries around the world! Interacting with Galactic-Gaian Natural Time amplifies our natural gifts, awakens our creative empowerment, evolves our telepathic development, and opens us to ever-increasing experiences of synchronicity.

Experience the magic and bring this living language of symbol, color and number into your life!


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