Tools to Support Your 2023 Intentions!

Here we are again at a beginning, a fresh start to re-affirm our intention to live our best lives, to create a year full of what matters most to each of us. Maybe this is not about how many resolutions we keep (or don't!), but about realizing where we already are, with openness, love, and gratitude.‍ Whether you are interested in learning more about meditation, inviting abundance into your life, or focusing on self-care, we hope you visit Paradise Found for some New Year's inspiration!

What are you envisioning?
We have gathered a unique selection of tools
To support you in your intentions for 2023

Here we are again at a beginning, a fresh start to re-affirm our intention to live our best lives, to create a year full of what matters most to each of us. Maybe this is not about how many resolutions we keep (or don't!), but about realizing where we already are, with openness, love, and gratitude.

With this in mind, we have gathered together a few items to support you in your intentions for 2023, whether you are interested in learning more about meditation, inviting abundance into your life, or focusing on self-care...Wherever you are headed, whatever you are envisioning, we hope you visit Paradise Found for some New Year's inspiration!

Explore Meditation & Mindfulness

“Meditation is the only intentional, systematic human activity, which at the bottom is about not trying to improve yourself or get anywhere else, but simply to realize where you already are.”
~Jon Kabat-Zinn, Wherever You Go, There You Are

Support your intentions--and your spine--with a Zafu, a round meditation cushion for keeping your body in alignment during Zazen (sitting meditation). Choose from a selection of elegant brocade, intricate embroidery, and minimalist, simple, cotton-covered cushions.

Try mantra meditation, with a crystal mala infused with the intention of Prajna Paramita - the Perfection of Wisdom, a result of contemplation, meditation, and understanding the nature of reality. We also have many beautiful Rudraksha seed malas in stock!

Magnolia Champaca

Create an atmosphere with Nag Champa incense, whose unique scent comes from the Champaca flower, (Magnolia Champaca tree), Halmaddi (resin of the Ailanthus Malabarica tree) and Sandalwood.

Learn from world-renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh as he explains the essential of mindfulness in  How to Sit, a selection of short 1-paragraph chapters on sitting meditation, or Zazen.

“As soon as we pay attention to our breath, as we breathe in, these three things—body, breath, and mind—come together.”  

~Thích Nhất Hạnh, How to Sit

Invite Abundance & Prosperity

"To attain wealth of the lasting kind, the kind that gives your life meaning, value, and sustenance, base your daily existence on the generosity of spirit."
~Deepak Chopra

For a playful reminder of your intentions, adorn your vision board with a gleaming gold 100-dollar bill. Or, put it directly in your wallet!

Bring some aromatherapy in to the mix, to help draw in what's needed. The maker of Prosperity Body & Room Mist has this to say:

"It is good to know what you want. When did you last ask yourself, Is this what I want? The question is perhaps more important than the answer. As we evaluate our desires, we begin to draw what’s needed in close. There is an abundance of energy which continually provides. Prosperity blooms in the asking."

Candles are well-known intention focusing tools--At Paradise Found we have all candles of all shapes, sizes, and scents. Some of our favorites are Beeswax Honeycomb Crystal Candles, which are beeswax taper candles that come dressed with natural herbs and gemstones for specific intention setting and manifesting. Consider the green Abundance candles, dressed with Green Tourmaline and Sweetgrass, or the yellow Blessing candles, with Palo Santo and Clear Quartz.

To learn more about cultivating a mindset that is Abundance-focused, and release habits of living from a point of view of scarcity or lack, pick up Abundance, a new book by international bestselling author Deepak Chopra which illuminates this road to success and wholeness, helping us tap into a deeper sense of awareness to become agents of change in our own lives.

Mixing ancient teachings and spiritual practices with the wisdom he's garnered over four decades in mind-body medicine, Deepak demonstrates how to transcend self-generated feelings of limitation and fear in order to experience true abundance in all aspects of life.

Focus on Self-Care

For some of us, practicing self-care and self-compassion can require a radical shift in our long-term patterns of thought, speech, and action. Some outer tools to help support this inner shift include:

~Journaling about our feelings, on all levels from emotional to bodily sensations. The healing journey is all about awareness and acceptance of ourselves just as we are in this moment.

Self-Care: A Day and Night Reflection Journal contains 90 days worth of helpful tracking pages for checking in with yourself morning and night, and cultivating a healthy routine with just this type of all-around self-awareness.

It is intended for those who want to foster deep reflection as well as for those who simply want to take better care of themselves. This journal offers a space to commit to your self-care routine with intention, and helps you integrate it into your life in a holistic, sustainable way.

~Invoke all forms of love with Heart Healing candles, dressed with Hibiscus and Strawberry Quartz. The invocation that comes with these candles is, "I am ready for the journey of healing. Mend my heart and restore my faith and confidence in myself. I am open to love because I am love.”

~For an energetic refresh, try our longtime favorite Aura Cleanser,  a blend of 6 Essential Flower Essences, and 12 Gem Essences, lovingly hand made in small batches and energetically charged to clear negative energies from your aura and physical spaces.  

We have new sprays as well, created to support specific intentions, and to bring a soothing scent into your sacred space. Made with organic essential oils and encasing a crystal charged under the full moon:

Self Love Body & Room Mist - Frankincense, Rose Geranium and Orange

Wellbeing Body & Room Mist - Sage, Lavender, Peppermint and Basil

~Seek out sources of inspiration, whether in the form of people, music, art, or books on inspiring and helpful topics. There are many curated lists on our page that have a beautiful selection of inspirational reads to help you create your best New Year in 2023! Here are just a few:

~Life Support: Healing Body, Mind & Spirit
~On Creativity as a Path for Discovery & Growth
~Foundational Favorites: Staples for our Personal Growth Pantry

Wishing you New Year's blessings of love and peace.

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