The Sacred Belongs to Our Soul

It is Spring. Everything grows, reaches out. A primal energy is palpable in all things; pushes through the dormant winter cycle of rest, hibernation and contemplation during the deep silence. With vital energy everywhere we may easily dissolve the boundaries between this and that and become aware of the formless nature of Reality. 

“Our soul is what is most precious within us. It is what gives real purpose and meaning to our existence. The sacred belongs to our soul and the soul of the world and it needs to be nurtured, to be related to with care and love.”
~Seasons of the Sacred by Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee

When our focus is so directed, toward that which is ‘sacred’, our experience here suddenly becomes full of opportunity and is a journey of unending discovery. As it is all an unknown, the mystery is one that tantalizes us and motivates us to open up to the perpetual movement and flow that is available to us. Being launched downstream, we don’t even attempt to tread water, we simply give in to the highly organic process that is our Reality. 

The mind may think whatever it wishes but the truth has nothing to do with that. Every life time we are engaged in that ride of abandonment. Without resistance we leave behind so much conditioning. So much fear. As the fear lessens so does the desire to cling to that which impedes the deep dive into eternal consciousness. We are like children, sometimes fearful of what is unknown but then overjoyed when we add something new to our tool kit. What encourages a child to explore? Do we have an answer to that? Or is it something that arises from within which we ultimately have the greatest faith and trust in? But no answer for.

Not having an answer is a sacred moment. One in which everything within us opens. Reaching out, stretching for a deeper connection, that longed for knowing. With eyes closed, there I am. I feel emptiness. Emptiness feels me, feels. 

It is Spring. Everything grows, reaches out. A primal energy is palpable in all things; pushes through the dormant winter cycle of rest, hibernation and contemplation during the deep silence. With vital energy everywhere we may easily dissolve the boundaries between this and that and become aware of the formless nature of Reality. 

Again I close my eyes and feel the energy that is. Not the energy that is some thing. Just energy, everywhere, everything—consciousness—all. Deeper and away from thoughts that separate. Consumed by nothing, emptiness, my travels are inward and then outward. Opening endlessly. Long riveted beliefs that hurt, cause suffering become distant and disappear. There is only awareness. As beliefs retreat I am free. With freedom is joy and healing, release. 

And what a relief that there is nothing ‘I’ need to do to accomplish this! Like the sibling couple we follow the bread crumb trail left by thousands of others traversing the same ground. Words, books, videos, meditations, profound gazes all offered in the moment that has the potential to explode my notion that I know how this all works.

These moments are sacred as they can not be articulated. To the thinking mind they are a mystery. In the mystery is simple truth. 

You’ve travelled up ten thousand steps in search of the Dharma*.
So many long days in the archives, copying, copying.
The gravity of the Tang and the profundity of the Sung make heavy baggage.
Here! I’ve picked you a bunch of wildflowers.
Their meaning is the same but they’re much easier to carry.
~Hsu Yun, Searching for the Dharma

The New Moon in Aries

In Spring we often are witness to changeable weather patterns; warm and sunny one day, cold, windy and raining the next. Life is like that. Calm waters, everything brings a smile to my face. Then turbulent seas! The boat in danger of capsizing! These days the waters have become particularly treacherous. This New Moon, the second for March on the West Coast, offers us a ticket of safe passage as we navigate the storm. After all, as above, so below. There is turbulence everywhere and at the same time there is peace everywhere. My quiet and gentle intention is that conditioning that invites disquiet is not something I cling to so that I may be aware of peace ever present. 

To attain self realization it is valuable to first know self. This may seem obvious but for many troubled human beings it is not. One can, during a massage at half a century realize that ‘I have never been in my body!’ 

With Mercury (9 degrees Aries), Moon and Sun (11 deg. 31 min. Aries) and Chiron (12 deg. Aries) conjunct we are being given the perfect dynamic for discovering more about our little ‘s’ self to encourage deeper understanding of Self; that it is Self only, no separate self in fact at all! Sun, Moon and Mercury represent the conscious self, emotional/instinctive self and the self which communicates that. Mercury is verbal expression and that which pre-exists words. 

Explore now pre-verbal communication. Opens us to a wide universe of possibility. We are human beings—we are Beings—as are all things on this planet. Indulge in that! And know thyself as whole.

Aries is at one end of the spectrum “I seek myself." At the other end, “I seek Self”. What is precious about a return to, prior to conditioning is the presence of Chiron the Healer. The wounded immortal who through his own suffering has wisdom to heal us of our suffering. It is through awareness of our immortality that we desist hanging onto what is personal and individual to be free. 

Chiron was not just human but also half horse and as beast then, has the ability to connect to the wild, natural essence of Life. Chiron conjunct Sun. Moon and Mercury turns us toward the healing of the fracture that represents separation. 

“—the consciousness with which we perceive the world—has been conditioned to only value the rational mind; we have dismissed the value of our older holistic mind, the part that thinks in images rather than words. It is this older, prerational consciousness that knows the value of the sacred…”
~Llewellyn Vaughn-Lee, Seasons of the Sacred 

We have talked in recent posts of the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction and the grace it showers upon us. Every cell is being affected by this even though at times it may seem to be water off the duck’s back.   We are still learning and we are infinitely patient and compassionate as we all, from our respective view point, rise up and move on. 

We take every opportunity, from our perspective, to open to receiving the grace and wisdom that oozes from between the warp and weft of societal conditioning slowly dissolving fear, greed, mistrust and small mindedness.

We want to prepare in a sense for what is to come when Pluto moves into Aquarius in March of next year. The general sweeping away of debris with Pluto in Capricorn has allowed us ‘time’ to ‘adjust’. This comes to a close. Pluto in Aquarius will be a little more aggressive as Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, we know to be a steam roller leveling the road to awakening. Saturn now in Aquarius helps to raise our awareness from the personal to the universal. We grow weary of ‘taking things personally’ and lingering in victimhood. How can this possibly serve anything?

Thich Nhat Hahn having recently left physical reality becomes an even greater aspect of the collective consciousness. We can pluck from thin air his wisdom as though taking a ripe apple from the tree.

“Through my love for you, I want to express my love for the whole cosmos, the whole of humanity, and all beings. By living with you, I want to learn to love everyone and all species. If I succeed in loving you, I will be able to love everyone and all species on Earth... This is the real message of love.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh, Teachings on Love
“Everywhere you have walked I have walked. Why wouldn’t we hold hands, smile and share our love?”
~from the ever present consciousness field 
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