The Book Report by Rebecca Traver - Our Online Bookshop Curator

Please explore and enjoy this report’s book selection with books on Healing Body, Mind + Spirit; Modern Witchcraft for Healing + Self-Care; Earth Magic: Crystals, Gemstones + Minerals; Two Special Tarot Decks by Emily Carding; and, as usual, a few wonderful delights for younger readers.

“A person is a fluid process, not a fixed and static entity; a flowing river of change, not a block of solid material; a continually changing constellation of potentialities, not a fixed quantity of traits.”  
~Carl Rogers, On Becoming a Person

As we all make our way along our path, we’d be wise to let those words sink in a bit, then a bit more. It’s so tempting to simply decide that something or someone (especially ourselves) is this or that, and then move on. In my experience, this is a sure-fire strategy to feeling stuck, stuck, stuck! What if we allowed ourselves to be lead by vision, curiosity, and the desire to experience flow instead? What follows are a few books chosen with the intention to support a more open and receptive path forward. May they serve your process well.

Healing Body, Mind + Spirit

Heart Breath Mind by Leah Lagos Psy.D. | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

A dear friend of mind recently brought Heart Breath Mind: Conquer Stress, Build Resilience, and Perform at Your Peak by Leah Lagos to my attention and I’m so glad she did. It’s Lagos’s point of view that stress is not in our heads, it’s in our bodies. In this book she shares the principles and practices she’s been using with top CEOs, business leaders, top athletes, and basically, anyone who wants to perform at their best with more confidence, kindness, and positivity.

Soul Therapy by Thomas Moore | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Soul Therapy: The Art and Craft of Caring Conversations is the culmination of author Thomas Moore’s lifetime of work. In this wise guide, he returns to his core vocation; teaching practitioners, therapists, spiritual directors, and others how to offer soul care to those they assist. 

The Mastery of Life by Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

The Mastery of Life: A Toltec Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz, Jr. explains how the sacred pyramids and plazas of Teotihuacan, Mexico act as symbolic stops on the transformative path of Toltec warriors – those who apply the teachings of the Toltecs in their own lives to win the inner war against the forces of domestication, fear, and self-judgment. 

Body Into Balance: An Herbal Guide to Holistic Self-Care by master herbalist Maria Noel Groves shows us how to read our body’s signals and support our own wellness with herbal remedies and other natural treatments. Included are in-depth instructions, with step-by-step photographs, for making your own herbal remedies, as well as expert guidance on buying and effectively using commercial preparations.

Spirit Almanac by Emma Loewe and Lindsay Kellner | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

The Spirit Almanac: A Modern Guide to Ancient Self-Care by Emma Loewe and Lindsay Kellner provides readers with potent, accessible practices to call on again and again throughout the year to feel more grounded, aligned with purpose, and in touch with an innate sense of knowing. Divided by the four seasons, this book features dozens of ideas for spiritual enrichment, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking greater well-being and joy.

Modern Witchcraft for Healing + Self-Care

Intuitive Witchcraft by Astrea Taylor | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Intuitive Witchcraft: How to Use Intuition to Elevate Your Craft by Astrea Taylor features extensive exercises, examples, and rituals united by a common purpose – to support and embrace the wisdom of your inner voice as you explore the endless possibilities of witchcraft. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced practitioner, this book serves to illuminate the path to manifesting your greatest desires in an intuitive way.

The Witch at the Forest's Edge: Thirteen Keys to Modern Traditional Witchcraft by Christine Grace | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

The Witch at the Forest's Edge: Thirteen Keys to Modern Traditional Witchcraft by Christine Grace is an invitation to animists, ancestor worshipers, magic seekers, and the wild at heart. It is structured into 13 core chapters or classes that cover all essential skill sets for any modern, traditional witch in a practical, caring way.

The Morrigan by Courtney Weber | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

The Morrigan: Celtic Goddess of Magic and Might by Courtney Weber is a fascinating exploration of the rich legacy of the Morrigan - one of Pagan Ireland’s most famous and notorious goddesses. As Weber notes: “She is warrior, queen, death omen, mother, murderer, lover, spy, conspirator, faery, shape-shifter, healer, and sometimes the living earth itself. A captivating contradiction: a demonic female who both haunts and heals; benevolent in one moment, ghastly the next, and kind the moment after that.”

Herb Magic by Patti Wiginton | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Patti Wiginton’s Herb Magic: An Introduction to Magical Herbalism and Spells is an illustrated beginner’s guide to healing herbs and spells. Included are essential herbalism principles such as the best timing for practice; which herbs are toxic, endangered, or dangerous; and how to build an altar – a sacred negativity-free space in which to work your craft.

Earth Magic: Crystal Grids

Read Paradise Found's latest articles on crystal grids: Lighting Your Inner Fire - Crystal Grid and Crystal Clear Communication - Crystal Grid.

An Introduction to Crystal Grids by Karen Frazier | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

An Introduction to Crystal Grids: Daily Rituals for Your Heart, Health, and Happiness by Karen Frazier is the perfect guide for beginners to manifest intentions and get on the path to positive energy, healing, and wellness. From the simplest shape (a single circle) to the most complex configuration (flower of life), learn about how the healing power of crystal grids can enhance your life.

The Book of Crystal Grids by Philip Permutt | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

The Book of Crystal Grids by Philip Permutt highlights how crystals affect how we feel and how we interact with the world around us. They are energy boosters and can protect us by detoxifying our physical, emotional, and spiritual systems from the stresses and strains of daily life. Included is a color-coded directory of over 100 common crystals and 50 different crystal grids, each presented with clear instructions and suggestions for use.

Ultimate Guide to Crystal Grids by Judy Hall | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

The Ultimate Guide to Crystal Grids by Judy Hall (renowned crystal expert and author of The Crystal Bible) shows novices and seasoned crystal practitioners alike how to construct grids to promote creativity, healing, protection, and more.

Crystal Grid Oracle by Nicola McIntosh is a powerful tool for spiritual growth, learning about sacred geometry, and connecting with the energies and magic of the mineral realms.

Mystic Mondays Crystal Grid Deck by Grace Duong | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Mystic Mondays: The Crystal Grid Deck by Grace Duong is a lovely deck comprised of 80 full-color hexagonal cards featuring different gemstones, from rose quartz and lapis lazuli to amethyst and tiger’s eye.

Sacred Grids: Creating Crystal Grids with Sacred Geometry by Sharon D. Anderson teaches us that when we create grids using Sacred Geometry we are calling upon the strength and energetic qualities of geometric shapes to work in conjunction with patterns of energy and vibration fields.

A Few Special Tarot Decks by Emily Carding

Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

This 2nd edition of The Transparent Tarot is a must-have for both readers and collectors with its innovative design of simple yet striking images displayed on clear plastic, intended to be read in layers. How cool is that?!

Tarot of the Sidhe by Emily Carding | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Tarot of the Sidhe opens the gates to the Celtic Otherworld with cards painted through direct inspiration from the Sidhe, the ancient Gaelic name for the Faery race, with channeled oracle messages included.

Inspiration For Young Readers

Hum and Swish by Matt Myers | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Hum and Swish by Matt Myers is a sweet celebration of creativity, summer sun, the beauty of a little peace and quiet, and the special joy of finding kindred spirits.


Growing an Artist by John Parra | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

Growing an Artist: The Story of a Landscaper and His Son by John Parra is a sweet picture book based on the author’s childhood bond with his father, the lessons of hard work, and the links between nature, art, and creativity.

My Love Will Never Leave You by Stephen Hogtun is a gorgeously illustrated picture book about the way that love lasts even as the seasons change – perfect for fans of Benji Davies and Oliver Jeffers.

A Wolf Called Wander by Rosanne Parry and Monica Armino | Paradise Found Santa Barbara

A Wolf Called Wander by Rosanne Parry, illustrated by Mónica Armiño, tells a beautiful tale, based on the real-life story of one wolf’s incredible journey to find a safe place to call home. 

Please visit our online Bookshop to see our full selection of lists and titles. 
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