New Moon Aries 0°49’ | Tuesday 3/21/23 at 10:23 am (PDT)

"Aries Season burns again, as the Sun is restored to a balance. Being the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries represents a fresh start, a new beginning. It ushers in a spark of inspiration, a moment where the torch in our hearts is lit aflame." ~Magic of I

I honor the energies of creation, new life, rebirth and possibility.
I welcome the resurgence of my life force energy.
Like the green leaves unfurling, I open to life in all its beauty.

New Moon Aries 0°49’ | Tuesday 3/21/23 at 10:23 am (PDT)

"The initiating, yang energy of Aries, ruled by Mars, is the catalyst for extensive reckoning. This creative force is a primal energy that knows not of resistance. Aries, as the spiritual warrior combats that which prevents one from answering the call to greater expression and whatever that means on an individual basis. The spiritual warrior is a hero who knows that the only true battle lies within. Change begins with ‘me’. Aries takes initiative in this experience of life and will go where no man has gone before to put dreams into action."

~Anna Chapman | Read the full article

"The courage to overcome any obstacle. The sheer willpower to persevere. The motivation to keep going. These are the energies of Aries. We tune into them anytime we need a burst of inspiration to begin, continue, and hold on against all odds. Aries is raw and primal. It represents the vibration of life itself. It’s a baby's cry to be fed, a seed bursting through the soil to find the light, and a gazelle sprinting for survival. Aries teaches us that we have the right to exist in this world and helps us fight for that existence when needed. This vibration is explosive and propels us to the next level of our evolution when harnessed in the right direction.

Aries is the Ram of the zodiac, ruled by fire and the planet Mars. Aries Season inundates us with frequencies of motivation, courage, and excitement. This season ushers in a new astrological year and helps us form new beginnings in an area we choose. This is the time of fresh starts, when nature renews itself and begins another cycle of life. The key to working with this season is to first find grounding within yourself. This energy is dynamic and can feel chaotic to your system if you don’t take the time to connect with your center. As you traverse Aries Season, make sure you set aside time to breathe, move your body, meditate, and let your energy flow."


"Aries Season burns again, as the Sun is restored to a balance. Being the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries represents a fresh start, a new beginning. It ushers in a spark of inspiration, a moment where the torch in our hearts is lit aflame. Ruled by Mars, it is energetic, kinetic, and bright. In the realm of the Ram, we explore new territory and build pathways where they once were not. We alchemize creativity with passion, becoming an unstoppable force of light, life, and joy. We are ignited. We are refreshed. We are renewed."


Visionary Courage & Creativity | Crystals for the New Moon in Aries

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.”
~Audre Lorde

At the start of a new astrological year, fiery Aries calls us to be our most courageous, vital selves. We are being asked to believe in ourselves and tap into deep inner sources to renew our energy and motivation.

Carnelian is a natural partner at this time, restoring vitality, promoting positive life choices, and bringing courage and motivation for success. Working with Carnelian helps in trusting yourself and your perceptions, and unlocks passion to "set fire" to one's creativity and promote confident self-expression. Both energizing and stabilizing, this fiery stone may assist in the imagination of a new reality, and support us as we work to bring our visions into being...Read the full article

Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world.
Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.

A Springtime Ritual for Connecting with Nature

(such a sky and such a sun
i never knew and neither did you
and everybody never breathed
quite so many kinds of yes)
~e. e. cummings

How wonderful to be here in this moment, at the start of Spring...With the Spring Equinox (in the Northern Hemisphere), we enter a new phase of lengthening days, warming weather, and natural energy rising from dormancy into full bloom. Try this ritual as a way to be still and connect nature at this special time:

Stand outside somewhere peaceful. Breathe in the air and remind yourself why Spring is special and magical to you. Let old memories of the Springtime arise in your mind. Holding the joyful memories of spring in your mind:

  1. Turn and face the direction of the sun. Thank the sun for its grand return to the sky and ask for its blessings upon the land.
  2. Thank Mother Nature for her nourishment and love.
  3. If you have shoes on, remove them and allow the earth’s energy to rise into your feet and gradually up your legs and then through the rest of your body...Read the full article

—“Is the spring coming?" he said. "What is it like?"

—"It is the sun shining on the rain and the rain falling on the sunshine...”  
~Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden
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