Mystic Ritual “Travelling to Kuan Yin Dimension”

This powerful ritual will help you to reconnect with Kuan Yin, become more compassionate, and receive Her blessings...

Kuan Yin is a buddha famous for rescuing from harm. In this way, she is similar to Green Tara. Her name is associated with the qualities of mercy and compassion. The appearance of beauty, wisdom, tenderness. The activities of kindness, help, protection, nurturing — the mother.

In her hands, Kuan Yin may hold a willow branch, a vase with water or occasionally, a lotus flower. The willow branch is used to heal people's illnesses or bring fulfillment to their requests. The water (the dew of compassion) has the quality of removing suffering, purifying the defilements of our body, speech and mind, and lengthening life.

Kuan Yin helps us extinguish our past impurities and negative karmic acts with meritorious acts. She asks only one thing — that we share her value of compassion and Metta (love) for all sentient beings. (Information about Kuan Yin from the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition, Australia).

This powerful ritual will help you to reconnect with Kuan Yin, become more compassionate, and receive Her blessings.

Good days for this ritual

Before you begin

You may enhance your ritual by listening to this recording of Deva Premal chanting Om Mani Padme Hum, and chanting along if you feel called to do so. Om Mani Padme Hum is a mantra associated with the Bodhisattva of Compassion, and it means means "The Jewel in (the Heart of) the Lotus". Adding in the heart of to the translation adds a depth of understanding. As a meditation to the Bodhisattva of Compassion, this is a prayer to fill our hearts with Love and compassion for the benefit of all beings. Om Mani Padme Hum is a prayer for Peace.

~Information about Om Mani Padme Hum from Julianne Victoria for

Meditation for Kuan Yin

Find a time and a place where nothing and no one will disturb you. Light a candle or/and place flowers next to you.

Get into a comfortable seated position with your back nice and straight. Deep breathe for several minutes.

Visualize the lotus in your heart chakra slowly and gently opening … unfolding. Allow the mantra to sink into your chakra and slowly unfold the petals of your heart lotus.

Visualize how a rainbow bridge appears inside your heart. You step on that bridge and cross the waters below the bridge. As you’re crossing the bridge, you become more and more relaxed. Waters below make you more peaceful and comfort you. As you’re walking over the bridge feel how pleasant and refreshing the air is.

On the other side of the rainbow bridge lies the Paradise island of Quan Yin. You set foot on the island, and the Goddess greets you and hands you a beautiful flower. When you inhale the fragrance of the flower, you feel that your heart is opening. She takes you by the hand and leads you through the rich lush fragrant gardens to Her pavilion.

After she seats you with care and attention, she asks you to talk about your problems. Tell the Goddess about your problems. She listens to you attentively. You feel nourishment and love in the very center of your being. You feel completely heard and understood. Sit with the Goddess until you are ready to return.

Kuan Yin takes you to the rainbow bridge and hugs you. Thank her and go across the bridge feeling full of strength and renewed. Cross the bridge and go back to your heart.

Take a deep breath and exhale back into your body.

Take another deep breath and open your eyes as you exhale.

Tell the words of gratitude to the Goddess. If you lit a candle, leave it to burn down to the end.

May you walk in peace and in love!

Wild Kuan Yin Oracle | Another Way to Connect with Kuan Yin

The much-loved creator of oracle decks, Alana Fairchild, has released a new edition of her Wild Kuan Yin oracle, which is available at Paradise Found, or online.

"Within you beats a fiercely optimistic heart, powerful with courage, creativity, and compassion. Your soul knows how to embrace the path of transformation with love, unafraid to be different and ready to take risks to manifest your soul's calling and higher purpose. When peace, love and comfort seem distant, the Wild Kuan Yin Oracle connects you to the Divine Mother."

You can find many more of Alana's titles at Paradise Found, or click here to see offerings from our online Bookshop.

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