New Moon in Taurus | Saturday 4/30/22 at 1:28 pm PT & Partial Solar Eclipse

"From the fast-paced, adventurous energy of Aries, we land in Taurus Season. Taurus is the calm after the storm, the quiet after the chaos, and the space of healing." ~Spirit Daughter

I welcome the influence of sweet, sensual, earthy Taurus
I am creating a stable foundation for what I desire
I slow down and go inward, sweeping out the internal dust
I am becoming crystal clear about what I want to manifest in my life
I tap into divine energy, and let this abundant energy flow freely
I am worthy to receive all that is waiting for me

New Moon in Taurus | Saturday 4/30/22 at 1:28 pm PT & Partial Solar Eclipse

"From the fast-paced, adventurous energy of Aries, we land in Taurus Season. Taurus is the calm after the storm, the quiet after the chaos, and the space of healing. Ruled by the Earth element and the planet Venus, Taurus provides us with the energy needed to ground ourselves and integrate our journey. It is a time to recenter our vision of what is most important and remind ourselves that we can always rely on our inner compass no matter what life hands us.

Taurus is simple in its energy. This season encourages us to slow down, experience the whole moment, and not overthink our next moves. There is a stillness in the air when the Sun lands in this sign, and we have time to process past events. Life is always handing us wisdom. Each day, we are brought new information that guides our journey and evolves us. Some of this wisdom, though, is acquired through a painful process. As we look back, we can see how growth is uncomfortable. The journey of our evolution is full of events that opened our eyes but also caused heartbreak, uncertainty, and insecurity. Taurus Season is the time to connect with nature and feel held, understood, and safe. It is a time to connect to our bodies and remember that Mother Earth is always protecting us."

~Spirit Daughter

"This new moon/eclipse begins a cycle of review, reevaluation and action towards necessary endings, beginnings and change. It is a potent time to look at your relationship to your comfort, security, resources, support, values and self esteem. What is most familiar to you may not be the most supportive, and what you thought was your security may come into question.

It is important to set yourself up in a good way to work with the challenges and the opportunities of this eclipse cycle (ending with a full moon and total Lunar eclipse on May 15/16th). Take some time to evaluate what you have, what you don't have, what you need and what you don't need. What gives you true security and what nurtures you and feeds your self esteem."

~Power Path

"This new Moon is known as a “Black Moon,” since it is the second new Moon of the month. The eclipse is designated as “partial” because only the penumbra, the edge of the Moon’s shadow, will be cast on the Earth. The darkest part of the shadow will in fact miss the Earth, passing approximately 750 miles below the South Pole. The penumbra, however, does graze a part of the Southern Hemisphere, resulting in a partial eclipse that will be visible in varying extent near sunset across a swath of the South Pacific Ocean, and southern and western portions of South America."

~Farmer's Almanac

"This New Moon solar eclipse is a moment dedicated to the rising up of awareness as we continue to unfold more deeply into Reality. At 10 degrees Taurus the Sun/Moon conjunction also conjuncts Uranus at 14degrees Taurus. We know what that means. An extra shot of the Uranian energy that motivates change, evolution and a desire for freedom...

...Compassion is the higher octave of Taurus ruled by Venus—love/unconditional love. Touching, feeling, seeing, more deeply. Utilizing those senses to which we all have access to reach others who are not yet adept at going there. And slowly, the dominoes tumble slowly. Suffering dissipates, slowly. The gift is being."

~Anna Chapman | Read the rest of her article here.

Crystals for the New Moon in Taurus

The New Moon in Taurus calls us back to our roots and motivates us to get grounded and centered, as beings of spirit anchoring light in the physical realm. Ruled by the planet Venus, Taurus also brings up questions of love and emotions, and draws our attention to the heart chakra...

Flower Agate

Flower Agate | "Flower Agate is a stone of personal growth and laying the foundation for meaningful growth. It acts as a metaphysical fertilizer for our intentions to give them a loving boost and an energized helping hand.

Known to activate, open, and heal the Heart and Root Chakras, Flower Agate opens us to inspiration, establishes inner peace, and fosters empathy. It is associated with the pragmatic, grounded energy of Earth signs."

Moss Agate

Moss Agate | Despite its name, Moss Agate is not an agate at all, but a form of Chalcedony. It is a great crystal to assist you in your meditations. It helps calm down the monkey mind and reach a state of balance and centeredness. It gently balances emotions and allows to get a fresh start without all the mental encumbrances. A way to hit the reset button!

Moss Agate also goes helps unblock your heart chakra, allowing high-vibrational love energy to flow smoothly and freely. The stone can be a useful tool that you can use to find peace in an existing relationship and nurture friendships.

Raise your vibrations and power your rituals with sacred stones from around the world. Bring the earth’s beauty and energetic strength into your practice with an inspired collection of crystals and gemstones.

Create a New Moon/Beltane Altar

An altar is an outer representation of your inner attunement and a personal way of connecting to spirit, the sacred or to your spiritual tradition. Altars hold what we value. They can reflect back to us the energies we want to invoke, ideals we want to strive toward, the divine we want to channel; what inspires us and what we aspire to.

Find an area in your home, office, work space—it could be any area (shelf, table, bench) that you set aside as sacred personal space. It can be as simple as a window sill or the whole top of a sideboard. You can create multiple mini altars and refresh them with the changing seasons. 

You can create an altar using any items sacred to you. If the item has significance to you and brings you feelings of celebration, peace, love, or inspiration, it’s a good choice. This is your altar. This is your sacred space. Make it yours.

Here are some elements you may want to include:

~Representations of the five elements (a crystal for earth, a feather for air, a candle for fire, etc.)
~Items to activate your senses, i.e. incense, and ground the sacred in your physical body and harmonize with the natural world.
~Images of divine beings, gods, goddesses, spiritual teachers who are meaningful to you
~Statues of divine beings, gods, goddesses, spiritual teachers who are meaning to you.
~If you use prayer beads or malas, an altar is a perfect place to keep them energized when you are not using them
~Oracle Cards or sacred texts. You may even want to keep your journal on your altar.

For your Beltane altar, bring in the colors of the season’s fecundity—lots of green and the spring flowering plants of your geography.

~Lots and lots of Candles or a cauldron for the Bel fire
~Braided ribbons to symbolize the Maypole
~Symbols of fertility—eggs, acorns or seeds
~Antlers or Horns
~Symbols of the Green Man
~Fill a glass bowl with water and float flowers or candles in it.
~Any flowery, aphrodisiac-y and passionate laden essential oil is perfect for Beltane. (Rose, Ylang, Ylang, Jasmine, Peppermint...)
~Dress a tree. This is the perfect time to go out and celebrate a tree. Especially a hawthorn, rowan or birch - but the tree spirit will welcome you attention whichever kind of tree it is. Sit with it, talk to it, dance around it (maypole), honor the tree and its fertility. Hang ribbons from its branches, each ribbon represents a wish or prayer.

Beltane Affirmations:

"Life blooms all around me.
I bloom and grow continuously.
The universe gives life to my desires.
Pleasure is sacred.
I am beautiful as I am part of nature.
I am cleansed of the hardships of my past.
I am in a state of rebirth."
~Affirmations from

With an altar, we invite the divine into our lives, and send our intentions out into the universe. Let your intuition, your inner sense of beauty, truth and goodness guide you. Your attention and intention with your altar will energetically nourish the items on your altar and they in turn will energetically nourish you. 

"Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again."
~Joseph Campbell
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