Embodying Your Omniscient Self

“There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen.”

Discovering Life Beyond the Duality of Self & Other

Before I learned about the art and science of energy healing, I had only a faint notion of what my omniscient self or intuitive self could embody. I believed that claiming my right alignment meant aligning to a set of rules established in a sacred text. The one my family chose to live by was the Bible. Embodying my omniscient self, would have meant little to me then, because I was locked into a way of processing information purely from the subject/object dual perspective.

This requires a subject, being me, contemplating an object that is separate from me, an object that needs to be figured out and understood through the mechanism of the mind. We are prone to this take on life, because we are physical beings relating to a physical world. It wasn’t until I learned about energy-healing that I was turned on to experiencing what other ancient texts disclose, as an inner state in which the dual perspective melts away to reveal a type of direct perception which includes a full body knowingness, or is referred to as the embodying of omniscience.

In the meditative states we practiced, I was left with a deep sense of one-ness in which the inner critic, logistical reasonings, and wounded attachments that had been running my mind’s inner framework, gradually disappeared leaving something more magical in its place; something characterized by feeling a deep sense of peace, inner quiet and a knowingness of myself as Loved, Wise & Capable. This experience of knowing-ness would eventually give me the strength to leave the religious community behind as choosing energy-healing put me at odds with their way of living. 

Claiming My True Nature in the Face of Peer Pressure & Community Pressure

Until then, aligning to the rules of my then community, externally focused and logistically based, was comforting. I felt the safety of inclusion; also, maybe even a feeling of superiority. Which worked for a long time, until it didn’t. Embodying my omniscient self or the self I would come to experience as one with ALL and non-dual, would take me on a journey I had never imagined. I have now come to believe it’s a journey all of us are being called to take at some point in time or another. Embodying your omniscient self is usually spurred on by some sort of inner discomfort, be it large or small. Revelations and upgrades tend to be preceded by shake-ups in our lives, which makes us all human and so does aspiring to embody our divinity in the form of omniscience. 

To lean into our omniscience isn’t second nature to most of us. How could it be when we are tossed into communal situations, (family life, school, work, and other social engagements) requiring codes of behavior, speech and thought patterns to be able to feel safe, included and have a sense of belonging? The need for inclusion and safety often clouds our inner knowingness and keeps us disconnected from embodying our omniscient selves. The clouds come in the form of mind-stuff, and logical reasoning, which can be very confusing taking us farther away from our divinely gifted omniscience. Peer pressure, plus our psyches' internal moral construct, often judges or condemns us by way of habit. How can we not find ourselves confused or stuck much of the time? How can we not be suffering from some sort of paralysis or panic that comes from not knowing who we are or if we are safe?

Listening to Silence & A Wisdom Deeper Than Words

In claiming right alignment with our true natures of love, intelligence and empowerment, the voice of logic alone cannot give us the keys to accessing our divinely gifted omniscience, because as Rumi wrote of this Inner Knowingness, “There is a voice that doesn’t use words. Listen”.  So embodying your omniscience requires the practice of having openness to listening, but not to the words in your head. If not the words in your head, what is there to listen to?

Science is qualifying that our brains do “listen” to or hear silences. According to a 2022 Time article, “How listening to silence changes our brains”, Scientists at Duke University have proved that “Functional imaging studies indicate that trying to hear in silence activates the auditory cortex” (Marz, 2022). The article continues, “It’s a simple but powerful notion: “trying to hear in silence” can demonstrably accelerate the growth of valuable brain cells. This act of listening to quiet can, in itself, enrich our capacity to think and perceive” (Marz, 2022).

Was Rumi giving us the key to begin embodying our omniscient selves: the practice of listening to the inner silence? How can having the experience of listening to the inner silence help us to embody our omniscient selves and deepen our alignment with the Love, Intelligence and Empowerment that we truly are? 

“Silence—or the absence of noise—can benefit our brains in many ways” writes Forbes contributor, Christine Comaford. She goes on to comment more by referring to, “Harvard’s research on silence resulting in increased cell density in the prefrontal cortex (emotional regulation, decision making, problem solving and more) and the hippocampus (learning, memory and more), and reduced cell density in the amygdala (aggression, threat perception and more)” (Comaford, 2022). This increased cellular production is accompanied by a positive stress reaction called “eustress” which is characterized by positive feelings of excitement, fulfillment, meaning, satisfaction and well-being.

When Rumi was talking about listening to a “voice that doesn’t use words” it's this inner silence he is referring to that when practiced causes the nervous system to slow down, self-regulate, re-integrate and self-reflect. This is the beginning of experiencing your omniscient self, your intuitive self that is one with the Source of ALL Knowingness. This allows us to tune into information that we otherwise wouldn’t be able to discern with logic alone.

Why 'Doing Nothing' is So Powerful

So, why do we resist stillness and listening to the inner silence? Leigh Marz and Justin Zorn’s book Golden: The Power of Silence in a World of Noise discusses the multitude of distractions of everyday life, as well as the social conditioning that our minds are calibrated to, which equates progress with doing something and being active. If we judge ourselves for not producing enough in our doing state, when we are silent and still, our minds will automatically latch onto mind-noise and we’ll want to “do” something instead of listening to the “voice that doesn’t use words”.

Listening to the “voice that doesn’t use words” is often seen as a wasteful use of time because listening to silence requires that we determine a set time to be still, close our eyes to withdraw our senses from the external stimuli to our inner landscape. It means allowing our minds the time it needs to let go of the constant barrage of thoughts, ideas, and convictions that are actually clouding our omniscience, depleting our natural state of intuition or inner knowingness.

It may look like nothing is happening because we are not busy “doing” in the classical meaning of the term. However so much is happening within our bodies and to the brain. When we choose to claim our right alignment with our omniscient selves through listening to the silence, we are in a sense telling the mind and the body that the Soul is in control, instead of letting the Soul be driven by the mind’s attachments and the body’s sensations.

Learning Discernment—How Can You Tell When Your Insights are Coming From the Omniscient Self?

The HeartMath Institute, offers a beautiful description of what it feels like to arrive at such an alignment: Sometimes we have an inner knowing, a sense of clarity that just feels right. It is often a delicate, quiet and easy feeling that offers direct perception” (HeartMathExpereince, 2022). This is important to note because very often when we can confuse the thoughts and conclusions we “feel” are so right, from a space that isn’t characterized by the “delicate, quiet and easy feeling that offers direct perception”.

How can you tell if the thoughts or perceptions you’re having are coming from the omniscient Self? If it ends up leaving you feeling connected and open and not just relieved as if it’s a coping tool. If its impact is shutting you down or turning you off, then it’s likely not from your omniscient self. Information that comes in as direct perception is matter of fact and comes just with awareness. There is an absence of fear or doubt. It’s something that just is, and it actually deflates any previous worries your logical mind entertained.

The state of right alignment feels so powerfully on point that you can move forward with hopefulness, positivity and doubt, even if you’re processing sadness or any other negative emotion. The negative emotion isn’t experienced as a block but as a fluid feeling that’s necessary and then subsides once it’s experienced authentically. 

Down to Brass Tacks—How to Practice Embodying Your Omniscient Self

You can practice embodying your omniscient self when you resolve to sit for longer and longer periods of listening to the voice that doesn’t use words. This means harnessing your focus to the internal space within your body and then the non-localized parts of you, as expressed through the chakras, which are wheels of energy that are anchored in the spine and extend to about 3”-6” off your body. If you experiment with where you place your awareness, you will be able to tell which area of focus produces a more impactful sensory experience.

First, while closing your eyes, focus on the center of your chest, which is where the heart chakra extends outward into space for about 3 slow abdominal pelvic breaths (chest shouldn’t be raised and belly and lower rib cage should extend so the lungs can draw in a full breath of air), then open them and assess how your body feels.

Next, while closing your eyes, focus on the area that is 3-6 inches off your upper chest, for the length of 3 slow abdominal pelvic breathing cycles (shallow breathing happens with raising your chest, and should be avoided as it deprives the body of needing oxygen and increases the negative stress energy in the solar plexus chakra) and then assess how your body feels afterwards.

What you should notice is that focusing on the chakra as it sits 3-6 inches off your body creates a deeper sense of peace faster, allowing you to literally feel the beginning of embodying your omniscient self.

Next do the same with the crown of your head and the crown chakra 3-6 inches above the crown of your head. These are the two most powerful chakras to focus on to begin your practice, as these chakras are both needed in discernment for decision making and in taking action, or moving forward in faith. 

The more you practice with sustained duration, your skill in embodying your omniscient self will increase. The goal is to be able to live from this meditative state of consciousness more of the time than not; to be able to be and feel so well connected to that Omniscient part of who you are, that you can access it easily and even feel and be guided and led by it in your daily affairs. 

What if you receive what you’d call messages or hit or come to certain conclusions? How do you examine them to qualify them as part of your true omniscient self’s voice? How do you know if they are from your psyche’s self-will and not from your omniscient self? I like to assess from these initial questionings:

  1. Is it loving?
  2. Is it kind?
  3. Is it compassionate?
  4. Does it create a win-win situation?
  5. Does it reflect the deepest degree of honesty and integrity?

To answer these questions honestly you can practice listening to stillness with the intention expressed on the top to have clarity regarding this concern, and then set to sitting in stillness. If your answer does not come in your session, keep moving your life forward and you’ll be surprised at what jolt of awareness or realization comes up spontaneously. That will really be a sign you’re embodying your omniscient self, and that you’re ready for more sudden revelations that will keep leading you to the exact place you’re supposed to be; anchored in the All-Knowing and All-Providing parts of you, that are always there when you are ready to let them in.  


~Marz, J. Z. a. L. (2022, September 8). How listening to silence changes our brains. Time. www.Time.com

~Comaford, C. (2022, December 10). Your Brain On Silence. Forbes. www.Forbes.com


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