Phoenix Rising: Powerful Transformation with Scorpio's Animal Totems

The Phoenix – this is the highest archetypal form of the sign Scorpio, and don’t think that just because you’re not a Scorpio sun that you don’t have Scorpio somewhere inside you. We all have a piece of Scorpio, as we have all signs, within us...

With Beltane blooming upon us like a rose ablaze, it’s time to “gird your loins” as they say!

This is my favorite of the Celtic cross quarter fire festivals and like its cousin, Samhain (known as Halloween in the USA), Scorpio vibes abound.

The zodiac sign Scorpio gets such a bad rap. It is definitely a badass––deep, scorching sexuality meets transformational death-rebirth!

The traditional animal totems connected to Scorpio are:

The Phoenix – this is the highest archetypal form of the sign Scorpio, and don’t think that just because you’re not a Scorpio sun that you don’t have Scorpio somewhere inside you. We all have a piece of Scorpio, as we have all signs, within us.

This is the part of us that burns away all that no longer serves until every piece is in ashes and then is reborn anew.

The Eagle – when we can soar high above the petty problems of being human and stay detached with a larger, bird’s eye perspective that’s when we are in the Eagle archetype of the sign.

The Scorpion – the most common perception of Scorpio is that of its namesake animal, Scorpion. First it stuns its prey and then kills it. This is the lowest archetypal form of the sign and one that carries a lot of karmic repercussions.

Beltane is full octane sexual surrender on steroids; and popular activities like the Maypole give a more tame air than this festival actually imparts. Don’t be deceived by pretty maidens dancing in circles with flower wreaths in their hair.

Once upon a time, the Celts celebrated Beltane with all night bonfires with fermented libations and open air intercourse under the full moon in the middle of ancient stone circles, with rowdy drums and naked bodies wildly dancing. Raucous laughter. Unmitigated joy. This was not a subtle festival as we see this day and age.

Ah, yes. The good ol’ days, right?

Wondering how to make the most of this sabbat? I have a few ideas that are on the more calm, spiritual side … (but if you’re inspired to go Old World bonfire and nude dancing under the stars style, go for it! And please invite me.)

The Full Moon Lunar eclipse on May 5th is the perfect time to release and shed old skins. Since Beltane begins on May 1st, start to declutter your home and your mind by giving away and tossing out clutter and items that are depleting you of your life force energy.

Meditate and journal for a few minutes each day up to the full moon and purge old beliefs, negative thoughts, fears and limiting ways of being. Write everything down on pages that you can burn or drown in water during the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on May 5th.

This is your moment to clear those inner Scorpion stings, and release, surrender and let go of old grievances and stagnated grief.

The heart chakra will receive a deep cleanse when we let grief flow. Grief blocks the heart from its ability to give and receive in balance. Plus, a cleared heart resonates at the higher frequencies of joy and bliss.

Vision how your journey over the next five months will unfold, like the Eagle, and prepare for your rebirth, like the Phoenix, at the Witch’s New Year (Samhain/Halloween) on October 31st. Write down your vision, goals and intentions for the last part of the year. Who are you becoming? Read these often and feel the Beltane fire of passionate possibility grow within you.

This is a potent magical portal into new vistas and energies that will help birth your new form in the years to come.

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