The Key to Living an Enriched Life

How much dancing did you do last year? How much crying did you do? Can you look at all of it as a miracle, despite the sadness of loss, despite the pain of struggle? Do you have enough bandwidth to acknowledge the sacredness in all things as Albert Einstein relates in his quote?

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though  everything is a miracle."
~Albert Einstein 
"When we live as if everything is a miracle we are in alignment with knowing ourselves as miraculous."

How much dancing did you do last year? How much crying did you do? Can you look at all of it as a miracle, despite the sadness of loss, despite the pain of struggle? Do you have enough bandwidth to acknowledge the sacredness in all things as Albert Einstein relates in his quote?

I believe that embodiment as a human being  is an epic journey, where we get to taste, grow, see, create, heal, love, cling, release, surrender, mourn and celebrate our way through timely & untimely events in the physical realm. At year end we get to reflect back to see how we’ve weathered the days when pain, stress or any other uncomfortable feelings were experienced alongside all the times we smiled, celebrated, laughed, hugged and danced, for relief of all the discomfort. Do you like what you see in your rear view mirror of life? Did you live that year well? If you’re not happy about what you saw, how can you change the angle of your “rearview mirror of life” for another perspective, that’ll empower you for a better year ahead? If you liked what you saw, how can you use your present skills to help others and invest for a better harvest next year?

“Be in sacred appreciation for all things and miracles will begin to appear”

I’d say the best way to reset your perspective is to cultivate the habit of holding all things as sacred. While the word sacred has a religious connotation, it can also mean holding something with reverence or deep respect. Albert Einstein calls it living as though “everything is a miracle” and when you stretch to see the year’s events behind you as miraculous in some way, it helps to brighten up the tragic take on things we see going on, without leaving a Pollyana-ish filter that can lull us to complacency. Be in sacred appreciation for all things and miracles will begin to appear, is my belief.

When you hold a sense of sacredness (or deep reverence & gratitude)  you cannot help but have these perspectives arise:

  1. You did survive this and now have the potential to thrive and move beyond any difficulty you may presently be facing.
  2.  Every experience of loss gives us a choice to grow in bitterness or expand through the practice of acceptance. It’s your choice.
  3. Each failed attempt was just another step closer to a successful outcome and the info you get from the failure is empowering you to make the next step with more skill.
  4. Gratitude engenders more flow. The lightness of holding it all as sacred, will clear the space for more good things to flow toward you.
  5. If one thing falls away, it means that the next thing coming will only be better than the last. How much better can only be determined by how much gratitude you hold.

I once dated a man who didn’t believe in God or Divinity. He had respect for life in some areas, but didn’t ascribe to “holding everything as a miracle” as Einstein espoused (and as I am referring to as a sense of the sacred). Still he was reasonable and philosophical. 

One starry night when we came upon a bright crescent moon over Butterfly Beach, and I said, “OOOh look! A crescent moon just for us”, his response was a doubtful chuckle. I knew he was contesting and one of his reasons was his opposing belief, that we are all here by chance without any design or sacred divinity driving the helm. 

He said, “Well, now how do you know that it’s all there just for you?” Talk about asking a question that even challenged my self-value, as if I wasn’t anything special enough for a moon to be there for my enjoyment! I sensed it revealed how his non-sacred approach to life was robbing him from the fun that exists in the space of sacredness at the same time that I saw how my sacred approach was leaving me feeling special within myself.

“When we live as if everything is a miracle, we are in alignment with knowing ourselves as miraculous”

So, instead of feeling defensive, I asked him, “Well let’s just say that neither is true. That my take isn’t true and your take isn't necessarily true. Given that, which perspective is more fun and improves the quality of your present moment?” Of course, he answered that mine did and since he was a proponent of having more fun, he, himself couldn’t even pick his take on  it, based on my question. It was obvious  and illustrates how holding a sense of the sacred can transform an average moment into a miraculous one. As well, when we live as if everything is a miracle we are in alignment with knowing ourselves as miraculous, because for me to affirm that the moon was there especially for me, was affirming my gratitude and sacredness of the moment which inherently affirmed my own specialness.

Of course, we didn’t date for long, but it wasn’t soon after that that I came to partner with a man who approaches life with a compatible sense of the sacred and knows how to hold all things as sacred. It doesn’t mean we are always serious. You can have a great sense of humor and talk about mundane subjects and still cultivate an attitude of sacredness. It’s helped us weather many a stormy argument, and created places for us to deepen our connection. 

So when you look back at your year and you’re wanting to move forward with more enrichment; to make your holiday season that much sweeter; to connect that much more with family and friends, add a touch of sacredness to the moments you find yourself in and watch what the Universe ends up delivering. Bet you’ll be surprised at how much more rich your moments can be, spent in the warm glow of holding all things sacred.

Lani is an intuitive life coach specializing in manifestation and offers her services in the online reader’s portal every Sat 1-6pm. She has a thriving private practice working one on one and with groups via zoom helping clients acknowledge, activate & achieve their visions. She’s also on instagram as @lani_reagan.

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