The Strength to Love With the Virgo New Moon by Kristine Marie

“The Virgo New Moon sends powerful waves, reminding us to connect with the wisdom and power of our body.It guides us…to remember the innate strength and wisdom we all have within.This New Moon brings waves of healing energy and the promise of a fresh new start.”

~ Tanaaz

“Our greatest strength lies in the gentleness and tenderness of our heart.”

~ Rumi

These bodies we inhabit are incredible miracles! Is it really a random mash up of DNA at conception or does the spirit knows what it’s doing as the DNA in the gametes form the zygote? Who chooses eye color, hair color, height, crooked smile and dimpled chin? Why does one sister have spell binding yellow green eyes and the other a head of auburn curls? How did that girl wish herself tall at the age of 10?How is it that even with identical DNA, twins are not exactly the same in every way? It’s spirit, the part of us that chose, via our parents, the exact ancestral streams for this lifetime’s specific opportunities of growth, pain, contraction, expansion, wounds, gifts and love.The DNA of each human being offers it’s spirit the perfect opportunity to fine tune it’s vehicle for this lifetime and then they spend the lifetime integrating, and unfolding the journey. This is the first sacred mystical marriage, of body & spirit. Engagement occurs at conception, union occurs at birth and separation occurs at death. The longest, most committed relationship we have in our respective lifetimes.

“You do not have to be good.You do not have to walk on your kneesfor a hundred miles through the desert repenting.You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves...”

~ Mary Oliver

There are many sources and pathways to "Strength"

In most tarot decks the Strength card pictures a woman holding/looking into the mouth of a lion, or someone wrestling a lion in a yellow background (solar energy) and is usually interpreted as “getting a hold of one’s animal instincts”.But The Sun and Moon tarot deck pictures a woman relaxing on the back of a howling wolf underneath an enormous full moon with a snake wrapped round one of her legs. This card speaks of the honoring of the billions of years of evolution it took for nature to create these incredible vehicles that are specifically genetically customized at conception.

"The first peace, which is the most important,is that which comes within the souls of peoplewhen they realize their relationship,their oneness with the universe and all its powers,and when they realize that at the center of the universedwells the Great Spirit,and that this center is really everywhere,it is within each of us."

~ Black Elk

What happens when we truly honor our bodies? Look past the “flaws” and see the actual miracles of these holy vessels? We are of this planet: the wide ranging and varied human organism of the earth, here to honor and admire the beauty of creation and enjoy everything life offers. Why else would our bodies be capable of so much feeling, sensing and pleasure? Our bodies are holy temples of love, made specifically to honor all of creation in love.

“Every desire of your body is Holy.Dear one, why wait until you are dying to discover that divine Truth?”“Now is the time to know that all that you do is sacred.”

~ Hafiz

“The kingdom of heaven is within” means that the entire world is within us and open to us as we honor it and ourselves as holy and utilize everything in and around us to worship at the temples of love and creation that we are. This is the evolution of love, this is where conscious relationship, sacred union, begins; in communion with ourselves first. Many of us seek love everywhere but inside; entire industries have been created to that effect. Millions of dollars are made to help people search for it.

“Your task is not to seek for love,but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourselfthat you have built against it.”

~ Rumi

Feeling into our place of belonging in this world

In healthy relationship with our bodies, offering ourselves everything we expect to receive from others, we also fall in love with the world. There is so much to love here: the sun warms us, the wind caresses us, the water adapts itself in so many ways to meet our needs and desires, and the earth holds us to her with the love of her gravity. The trees, plants, fungi and microbes form networks and ecosystems of communication and support under our feet and the stones hold the foundations. And everything is given freely. What’s not to love?

“We are People who need to love, because Love is the soul’s life,Love is simply creation’s greatest joy.”

~ Hafiz

We have lost ourselves, our tribe, our pack, in the search for connection outside of ourselves and outside of nature. In the need to feel safe by collecting things or numb our pain with a myriad of substances and activities, we have forgotten who we are and to what we belong. Instead we grab at what is not ours to own, profit from selling what is not truly ours to sell; no wonder there is so much despair in the world. And perhaps this is exactly how it should be; because the world breaks our hearts and opens us up to love more.

“…When that love calls,open up your doorYou gotta stand on up and let it in,you gotta let love through your door…”

~ The Wailin’ Jennys - Storm Comin’

The strength card reminds us to claim who we really are, and to call out to our pack, our tribe: the ones who are searching for us, waiting to respond to our call. Do we have the courage to do that? As we walk upright, inherently connecting heaven and earth, we now reach out to the horizon for connection with each other. The most recent adaptation of our brains, the frontal cortex connects our mind with our hearts and our guts so we integrate our thinking with our whole organism, and as we come into balance with ourselves we come back (or forward) into balance with the earth and with each other.That is what this Virgo new moon asks of us, and she is a super moon, so her intensity is something akin to a full moon. Set your intentions with this new moon and watch them come into fruition as she fills.And let’s do this, let’s put our bare feet on the earth, our skin to her skin, and give thanks for being here. Let’s honor our body and hers and revel in the love that has created us and catalyzes us to also create. Let’s really embody our strength and our love and be the difference we want to see in the world.And while were at it, let’s offer our prayers to those in dire straits and fire’s path, and to all who need love and support.

“I should not make any promises right now,But I know if you PraySomewhere in this world –Something good will happen.”

~ Hafiz

“…Got to be bold, got to be badGot to be wise (oooh)…Got to be hard, not too too hardAll I know is love will save the day…”

~ Des’ree, "You Gotta Be"

With many blessings, much gratitude and even more love,Kristine Thandeka Marie

About Kristine

Transformative Tarot Card ReadingsKristine’s readings are interactive. Together we will enter into a conversation, ignited by the cards that show up for your questions, and empowered with her (and your) intuition, insight and guidance about what they bring up for you; the past, present, and future. The more you are willing to go deeply into your own process and share what the images and archetypes elicit in you, the better the conversation and the results will be…

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