New Moon in Cancer

With a new moon in Cancer, we can focus on strengthening ourselves internally, as well as the foundations of our lives and projects. Our emotions can serve as motivation to take action, and we can use what we feel positively and productively.

"I am fully open to expressing myself.
I am ready for the unveiling of hidden wisdom,
Truth I have learned with my body and soul,
Which is now rising up into my consciousnes."

New Moon in Cancer: Friday 7/9 at 6:17PM PT

"Cancer is a water sign known for its emotional power, its need to nurture and its ability to crack open the most shutdown of hearts with a torrential flood of feelings. A sign that forgets nothing and forgives seldom, Cancer is nothing if not attuned to the subtle, unconscious undercurrents, moods and behaviors of those around them.

If any sign holds the story of our human history it’s this one. Cancer is the embryonic fluid of humanity, the waters that carry the DNA of the beginning of time, the waters that hold the creative energy that gave life to all.

Cancer is the one who gives birth, the portal from which we all come from, the mother of all mothers. Cancer is undeniably powerful in its effect as it rules our need to feel at home, our need to feel familial connections (kin or kindred), our need to know that there is a place in the world where we will be loved just as we are.

Cancer governs our emotional responses to life. Cancer holds the memories of being accepted, rejected, received, denied, beloved and betrayed. Famous for its uncanny ability to shed a tear or a tsunami of water works, Cancer can just as easily turn its hard shelled back on the outward expression of sentiment and act like its a tough tomboy."

~Chani Nicholas

"With a new moon in Cancer, we can focus on strengthening ourselves internally, as well as the foundations of our lives and projects. We can get started with something from the ground up that can grow over the next 6-12 months.

Our emotions can serve as motivation to take action, and we can use what we feel positively and productively. We can be more positive in general, and don't want to get too stuck in anything too serious.

Cancer rules the home and family, so we may spend more time at home, make time for family, plan a move, or make improvements to our home or living situation.

Mercury moves into Cancer on July 11th, 2 days after the new moon, and has been in Gemini since May 3rd (Mercury retrograded entirely in Gemini). Mercury doesn't like being in one sign for a long time (even one it rules like Gemini), so this can be a big relief. Coming with the new moon in Cancer, we can be super focused on the good, and feel so much better emotionally. We can move away from any upheaval from the last 2 months and finally feel like we can go forward again, and can take advantage of opportunities to do just that."

~The DarkPixieAstrology

"The New Moon falls in the constellation of the tender crab. Cancer is a water sign representing our interior and exterior home. She is as changeable as the sky, sometimes misty, sometimes cold and rainy, wisps of clouds drifting over a lake.

The word moody comes right from the moon, ruled by Cancer. Lunar energy is felt and interpreted by everyone differently. I feel it right in my heart. I feel it in the way we let our emotions pull us in mysterious directions, just like the tide, ebbing and flowing endlessly beneath a full moon.

The New Moon in Cancer is about home, roots, and family. Dig deep in the dirt and see what you find. Really we’re looking for our inner home. Comfort with ourselves. Real love for ourselves. A feeling of ease inside. And a feeling of righteousness. The power of Woman.

Let go of your emotional cabbage. Yes I said cabbage. Float out on the open water.

"Fear rises, then retreats."

As someone with the moon, Venus, and Mars all in Cancer (and a partner with sun and Mercury in Cancer too), this archetype is deeply familiar to me. Cancer Season always feels like getting ripped open, but there’s something indescribably magical about this journey through the tides."


To find out more about the New Moon in Cancer and what it has in store for you, read this article by Anna Chapman, "Liberate Your Inner Child! Tap into the Enlivening Energy of Play"

Crystals for the New Moon in Cancer

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Carnelian | "Cancer's creative flair" Energetic and full of vitality. A stone for creativity and motivation. Promotes courage, individuality and positivity. Encourages emotional warmth, stability and aids in reclaiming personal power.

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Citrine | "Cancer's inspiration" Energizing and recharging. Imparts joy. Boosts self-esteem/self-confidence. Activates creativity and motivation. Encourages self-expression. Also, a stone of wealth and success.

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Rhodonite | "Cancer's security" Nurturing. A stone of compassion and love. A heart healer which clears and balances emotions, and stimulates the heart. Builds confidence. Encourages gratefulness and forgiveness.

Setting Intentions with Crystal Grids

When the moon is dark, we plant the seeds of our intentions, which will grow into fruition with the fullness of the moon. One way to do this is by creating a beautiful crystal grid, using stones that symbolize the aspects of ourselves and of our lives that we wish to encourage and nurture.

"A healing crystal grid combines the power of multiple crystals to build an energetic map that can guide us in the direction of our goals and create real and tangible changes in our lives...Becoming your own crystal grid expert does not have to be costly or complex. To get started, you will need only a handful of stones that suit your individual needs."

"Setting your intention is by far the most critical step in building your crystal grid. It is only by way of setting compelling, spiritually aligned intentions that our grids hold any real power at all. Furthermore, research has shown that change is most likely to occur when we focus on changing one habit at a time. This is why I suggest setting one clearly defined intention for each crystal grid that you build."

Exercise: Focusing Attention

This exercise is designed to help you identify which areas in your life need your attention the most. On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being 'I strongly disagree' and 10 being 'I strongly agree'), write the number that is true for you next to each of the following statements:

I feel secure
I feel at peace
I feel lucky
I feel physically healthy
I feel spiritually connected
I feel financially free
I feel focused
I feel successful
I feel loved
I feel creative
I feel strong
I feel blessed
I feel confident

1. Tune In: Set aside some time to sit quietly by yourself. Close your eyes, and simply allow yourself to feel all the physical and emotional sensations that arise.

2. Take Note: What do you notice? Is your throat tight? Do you have butterflies in your stomach? Are you having trouble focusing? Make a list of everything you notice and then ask yourself 'What do I need the most right now?'

3. Focus: Narrow your list down to one key area of focus. If you are not sure which observation is the most important, ask yourself 'What hurts the most?'

4. Write your 'I AM' statement: Your 'I AM' statement is your new intention, stated as if it has already happened. For example, 'I express myself with complete confidence.'

Excerpted from Crystal Gridwork by Kiera Fogg, a beautiful book which is available in store or on our online Bookshop!
Find out more about our sustainable sourced Crystal Grids (and check out three sample grids!) here.
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