From Density to Lucidity - Finding Emotional Freedom

The truth that invites all of us to participate with the mind of a child—eager, optimistic and open. How to find again the purity of a child who still, fresh from ‘heaven’, believes everything is possible; being a super hero, immortal, judges not and is inspired and inspiring in every moment.

“All things are possible through the openness of our mind, the gentleness of our spirit, and the act of understanding and embracing.”
~Lily Yeh, Daily Good June 16th

Dive into the great sea. Swim deeper and deeper. No light reaches these depths, no sound. I curl into an oval and hang in the stillness. No thought arises. Time does not exist. I am nurtured by all that surrounds me, the source of which I do not wonder at; nor have awareness of anything else. Then, unfurling, reaching up, propelled toward the light, crack the surface and inhale. Air rushes in. There is a need and it is fulfilled. Still free to accept, receive. 

Now many years later, after the long climb returning to the simplicity and joy of knowing: “...the fundamental truth inaccessible to the rational state of awareness and ordinary mental processes.” The truth that invites all of us to participate with the mind of a child—eager, optimistic and open. (Naomi Margois Maurer, The Pursuit of Spiritual Wisdom: The Thought and Art of Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin)

How to find again the purity of a child who still, fresh from ‘heaven’, believes everything is possible; being a super hero, immortal, judges not and is inspired and inspiring in every moment. Their presence in every moment invites us to follow. How can we if the path to following is obstructed with fear and painful memories? We have the task in this case, all of us, of clearing the path.

We must find the thread that connects us to our past, to the conditioning that so informs us, that the little child was burdened with from a very young age and dissolve it. In the Toltec culture there is a practice called recapitulation that involves revisiting every moment in one’s life that left a negative imprint. 

“One purpose of recapitulation is to eliminate emotional charges. Emotional charges cause one to misperceive the world around them and make it impossible to perceive the Nagual* with clarity.”

*In Mesoamerican folk religion, a nagual (pronounced [na'wal]) is a human being who has the power to shapeshift into their tonal animal counterpart. Nagualism is tied to the belief one can access power and spiritual insight by connecting with the tonal animal within. (Wikipedia)

Recapitulation can take days, even months. Most of us accomplish this over years. In Toltec practice the process was a concentrated one for some individuals who would sequester themselves in an isolated place so they could focus solely on this practice. As the process unfolds conditioning weakens and can dissolve completely over time.

The purpose of our healing journey is the cessation of suffering. And at the same time we are delivered from density into lucidity. A wonderful result for the determination to rise above! As the threads to the past vanish the way of truth is more clearly revealed. We more easily connect with the roots of Being. 

In the astrology chart these roots are associated with the IC (the base of the vertical line that dissects the chart) that is the cusp of the fourth house. In the natural astrology chart that begins with Aries, Cancer rules the fourth house. Cancer is ruled by the moon and represents our instincts, emotional expression and the past. The moon in the chart is symbolic of the mother. Our expectations of the mother are to protect us and feed us. Our first impressions are within utero months before we draw our first breath. 

The fourth house is a place of great vulnerability. Cancer people are very sensitive and vulnerable emotionally as their propensity for feeling emotion is exceptional-not just their own emotions but others emotions as well. Sometimes confusion occurs—is it mine or is it theirs? For this reason Cancer people want an emotional bond with others, for a sense of security, that may feel overwhelming at times. 

The fourth house holds the key to eternal security when we discover that which is at the root of Being, our natural state.

It is necessary to explore every crevasse of our emotional being to be free to ‘return to our natural state’; to hang in stillness without attachment to thought that distracts us. To this purpose an astrologer might examine the fourth house and all aspects to it. All clues to unravel the past on the way to Truth. 

“We only become what we are by the radical and deep-seated refusal of that which others have made of us.”
~Jean-Paul Sartre

New Moon in Cancer, Black Moon Lilith, and Murzam 'The Announcer'

This New Moon at 7 degrees Cancer gives us opportunity to recapitulate, reflect on those moments that have created insecurity and fear and seek to release one self from such burdens. Then we move through space, unaware of it, inhabit that which is prior to time. 

Conjuncting the Sun/Moon is the Black Moon Lilith, (8 degrees Cancer) a point in astrology that represents our deepest fears that we visit before we experience the flip side of the BML which is our greatest power. We step into this power when we overcome the fear of knowing one self as that which we have always sought. ‘I am not made in the image of God, I am that’--and as I release conditioning this Truth becomes evident, reveals itself to us without effort. If it feels difficult it is because we suffer when we resist that which is an inevitability. 

Eventually we will attain self-realization. It is our one consistent desire. 

“There is no higher or lower goal. There is only one goal, Self-Realization.”
~Meher Baba

Also conjunct the Sun/Moon is the fixed star Murzam, The Announcer, at 7 degrees Cancer. Called the announcer as it precedes the brightest star in the sky, Sirius at 14 degrees Cancer. At this time we are being shown the way to our own illumination as individuals, as a community. We will be seen for who we are. How is it that you wish to show up? A time for consideration. 

Squaring the New Moon is Jupiter at 7 degrees Aries. ‘I seek Self’ (Aries) through expanded awareness and wisdom and with faith, all aspects of Jupiter. Jupiter reveals the effortless path. It’s square to the New Moon will remind us to embrace the big picture and not to become bogged down in personal drama or at least to recognize what the outcome is when I engage in limiting behaviour. 

This New Moon is a continuation of our healing journey. We are all in this together even though we are at different places on that road. The ones ahead of us reach to us offering their resonance along the way.

If we are open and accept such guidance we can accelerate the process. We are all way-showers, announcers, in some capacity. Honouring onesself for this is fundamental to the journey. 

“The deeper the Self-Realization of a man, the more he influences the whole universe by his subtle spiritual vibrations, and the less he himself is affected by the phenomenal flux.”
~Paramahansa Yogananda

*Yogananda is a ‘way-shower’. He brought Indian spirituality to the west introducing the practice of Kriya Yoga and illuminating the path for thousands. He lived for 32 years in America and though he passed away in 1952, his spirit is very much available to those who are open to what is offered through him—the realization of pure Truth. 

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